The Limited Times

Mexico: the number of deaths due to Covid higher than announced

1/27/2021, 10:31:43 PM

Mortality from the coronavirus through August 2020 in Mexico was actually 68% higher than reported so far, according to data released Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (Inegi). This Latin American country recorded 108,658 deaths due to Covid-19 between March, the date of the appearance of a first case, and August 2020, according to Inegi. Read also: Covid-19 vaccination: schedule,

Mortality from the coronavirus through August 2020 in Mexico was actually 68% higher than reported so far, according to data released Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (Inegi).

This Latin American country recorded 108,658 deaths due to Covid-19 between March, the date of the appearance of a first case, and August 2020, according to Inegi.

Read also: Covid-19 vaccination: schedule, Pfizer and Moderna difference, side effects ... The point to know everything

At the time, the Ministry of Health had announced 64,414 dead.


lot of people don't die in hospital, but at home.

This may partly explain this difference,

”Inegi statistician Edgar Vielma told local radio.

The government and the National Institute of Statistics also use different methodologies.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Health, released Tuesday, Mexico, which has 126 million inhabitants, recorded 152,016 deaths - 171,378 by counting the suspected cases.

This makes it the fourth most bereaved country in absolute numbers.

It has recorded nearly 1.8 million reported cases, among them President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador who announced on Sunday that he had Covid-19.

But this number appears to be underestimated due to the limited number of screening tests carried out in Mexico.

The country launched its vaccination campaign on December 24, but it is being slowed down by insufficient stocks of vaccines.