The Limited Times

Point of deal dismantled: in Saint-Ouen, residents convinced that "the traffic will never stop"

1/27/2021, 7:37:48 PM

After the crackdown that dismantled a whole network of traffickers, the residents of Avenue Michelet are blowing their heads. But they don't happen

Men in national police uniforms instead of those in black hooded sweatshirts.

At n ° 86 and 92, avenue Michelet, in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) this Wednesday at 11 am, not the shadow of a chouf, nor of a cannabis seller.

Recognizable by their filiform silhouettes, the small hands of deal are technically unemployed, after the wide net which led to the placement in police custody of 22 people on Monday evening.

A whole network has fallen.

From the manager of the "business" to the street dealer.

Great resources were deployed and more than 200 police officers had been mobilized to search the 22 objectives.

They discovered 7.7 kg of cannabis and tidy sums of money: 58,385 euros in cash and 70,980 euros were seized from a bank account.

Drive non-stop is it written on the facade of the building at 86, avenue Michelet, in Saint-Ouen.

LP / NR  

In the frame of the front door, one can always read this unequivocal inscription: "Drive non-stop 24H / 24H".

In the corridor leading to the


floors, a clarification: "The hit per gram (

Editor's note: superior quality drug, whatever the product)


Beuh € 20 and € 50 ”, is it written in capital letters.

"To return home, you need your papers"

This Wednesday, where the choufs and vendors are used to stationing themselves, a dozen police officers in uniform, weapons slung over their shoulders, scrupulously filter the comings and goings.

"To return home, you need your identity papers and an invoice or receipt which clearly indicates that it is your address", specifies a policeman in Virgilo who, baguette under his arm, can no longer return home. him.

By dint of parleying, the official authorized him to return to his apartment.

But anyone who leaves this six-story building is immediately briefed in the same way by the police.

Two days after the huge crackdown that dismantled the Avenue Michelet network, the landscape has radically changed.

The implementation of 24-hour police surveillance makes it impossible to relocate traffickers.

Tuesday, the day after the anti-drug operation, “the lookouts had yet returned.

But there were not yet the police, ”notes a local resident.

A hundred clients who waited on certain evenings

But since Wednesday, the staff of the Saint-Ouen police station and reinforcements from other units have taken turns guarding the entrances.

“I feel reassured,” says a local resident.

The traffic bothered me a lot.

At times there were dozens of customers standing in line.

We couldn't even access the stairs.


After 8 p.m., when the deal was going at full speed, he remembers seeing two or three queues forming.

“Thirty, forty people were waiting to buy drugs.

Some were able to count a hundred at the height of the evening.

"There is no curfew for these people", laughs this local resident.

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“It was unlivable.

There were the dealers who shouted


when the police arrived, the drug addicts who injected their drugs.

I found syringes in my building, ”deplores Célia, who noticed that crack had appeared.

The dealers also seemed more nervous.

“Since the containment, there were more fights,” she said, sensing the start of a turf war between traffickers.


A majority of mayors of Ile-de-France say yes to the legalization of cannabis

The "Palermo" pizzeria, which had a panoramic view of the deal point of n ° 92 Michelet remembers that in fine weather when she set up her terrace, she had her chairs stuck, when the choufs weren't sitting on them. seats in front of customers having lunch.

Long before, six years ago, they squatted the bikes at the Vélib 'station.

William Delannoy, the mayor (UDI) at the time had decided to remove the station.

In front of the pizzeria, a cup of coffee in hand, tattoos and a biker jacket on his back, Richard gazes, impassive, at this change of scenery: “You will only shift the problem.

In Saint-Ouen, the traffic will never stop.

There is so much money at stake. You are going to buy yourself a kebab, it is drug money.

Rents are drug money.

But if it weren't for the bobos of Paris who come to buy, there would be no traffic.


"If you respect these rules of the city, we leave you alone"

Since moving here, Richard had even come to terms with the traffic: “You don't say anything, you don't see anything.

I don't mind their business.

If you follow these city rules, we'll leave you alone, otherwise we'll piss you off until you move out.

The proof, he always parks his powerful motorcycle in front of the point of deal.

“She is sleeping outside and nothing has ever happened to her,” says the 60-year-old.

The question that the inhabitants of the city are now asking themselves is not whether the deal will be resettled but when?

“The police trucks will leave and, within half an hour, they will return.

Or else, another team will have taken their place, ”this local resident is convinced.