The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron neck and neck in the second round, according to a survey

1/27/2021, 8:26:12 PM

A Harris Interactive survey attributes to the RN candidate a record of voting intentions: 48% against 52% to Emmanuel Macron in the second round.

The euphoria will not have been long in coming in the ranks of the National Rally.

"Marine Le Pen confirms that she is able to win in 2022

, jubilant on Twitter the vice-president of the party, Jordan Bardella.

May all energies and good wills converge to conquer victory! ”

According to the second part of a Harris Interactive survey, revealed by

Le Parisien



, their already declared presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, is no longer content to be announced in the lead in the first round of 2022. But also, in the second, Emmanuel Macron, with 48% of the voting intentions.

The highest score ever given by a poll to the unsuccessful candidate of 2012 and 2017.

Read also: Marine Le Pen, pending the presidential election of 2022

A record reached according to the details of the investigation thanks to a significant postponement of right-wing voters in favor of Marine Le Pen.

A third of François Fillon's voters in 2017 would slip the name of the RN candidate into the ballot box in the second round.

When, on the other side of the political spectrum, a significant part of the left would abstain from voting in favor of Emmanuel Macron to block the party to the flame, the end of the famous "republican front" .

With only 3 points of difference - equivalent to the margin of error - the Head of State would thus win by a short head, with 52%.

Read also: Presidential 2022: Le Pen fine-tunes its strategy

Carried out online on January 19 and 20, this Harris survey was commissioned by the daily


and the CommStrat cabinet with regard to the first round of the presidential election.

Produced out of any order, the second part concerning the second round had not yet been the subject of any publication.

In a previous survey, carried out by the Ifop institute for Sud Radio and Cnews, the head of the National Rally obtained 45% of the voting intentions in the second round against Emmanuel Macron.

In 2017, the head of state was elected with 66% of the vote against 34% for Marine Le Pen.

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