The Limited Times

Russia: this youth who proclaims their fed up and their desire for change

1/27/2021, 8:01:31 PM

Tens of thousands of Russians mobilized last Saturday to demonstrate in favor of the release of Alexei Navalny, symbol of a protest movement that is igniting more and more young people.

On January 22, Sacha, a Moscow schoolboy, celebrated his 15th birthday.

It's scary because today begins my sixteenth year of life in Putin's Russia.

I sincerely hope it will be the last year like this.

I want to live in a beautiful country, free, with political competition, and where people are not imprisoned with a snap of the fingers without trial and without investigation

”, he wrote that day on his Instagram account, to the day before the protests that shook all of Russia last Saturday.

Read also:

At Navalny's call, the Russians challenged Putin from Moscow to Siberia

This eighth grade student (equivalent to third in France), with fine features and very short hair, multiplies the messages engaged on social networks.

His activism began in 2019, by supporting the many people arrested after the summer mobilizations in Moscow.

When I see what is happening in my country, I cannot do nothing


” he

explains to

Le Figaro

two days after the event.


We are in the 21st century, yet I have the impression that we are

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