The Limited Times

Ski: Boccia, aim to reopen safely by the deadline of the Dpcm in force

1/28/2021, 4:56:12 PM

Regions guidelines transmitted to Cts and Salute (ANSA) The goal is to "try to build a shared path that allows the reopening with maximum safety within the term of the Dpcm in force". According to what has been learned, the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia underlined this in connection with the Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri in the meeting with the Regions. The minister received the guidelines developed by the regions, assurin

The goal is to "try to build a shared path that allows the reopening with maximum safety within the term of the Dpcm in force".

According to what has been learned, the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia underlined this in connection with the Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri in the meeting with the Regions.

The minister received the guidelines developed by the regions, assuring that they will be formally transmitted "today to the CTS and the Ministry of Health, asking for a new technical-scientific evaluation as quickly as possible".