The Limited Times

VIDEO. Drama at the Pôle emploi de Valence: "The act does not fall under a particular logic", according to the prosecutor

1/28/2021, 7:50:30 PM

The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne and the Public Prosecutor, Alex Perrin, went to the places where the employee of an agen

"It is obviously a terrible shock for the employees who were present and then for those who have lost their HRD", declared the Minister of Labor, Élisabeth Borne, in front of the premises of the Faun Environnement company.

It was here that Thursday morning, around 8:30 am, a man shot and killed an employment center advisor in Valence, then an employee of an Ardèche company where he had worked, before being arrested and placed in police custody. .

The Minister of Labor as well as the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Valence, Alex Perrin, went on site.

"What happened there never happened, it is unbelievable," said Elisabeth Borne.

"There can obviously be job seekers who are in distress, who can sometimes have verbal attacks on Pôle Emploi agents, but here I think we are in something else".

The Public Prosecutor of Valence affirmed that research was underway to "go back the history of this person, the personal and professional history, to try to understand these passages to the act".

"A priori, it is someone who was born in Nancy, there would be his domicile or his residence, he did not live in our area", concludes Alex Perrin.