The Limited Times

Hit parade, Capo Plaza dethrones Sfera Ebbasta

1/29/2021, 6:19:49 PM

Capo Plaza with the new Plaza ("it is not the sequel to '20', but it is an upgrade" as he explains himself) takes away the scepter from Sfera Ebbasta who had been firmly in the lead for four weeks and slips to second place in the record charts best sellers of the set ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 29 - Capo Plaza with the new Plaza ("it is not the sequel to '20', but it is an upgrade" as he himself explains) takes the scepter from Sfera Ebbast, who had been firmly in the lead for four weeks and slipped to second place in the ranking of best-selling records of the week, according to Fimi / Gfk surveys.

The young rapper also ranks at the top in the vinyl chart.

    Stable in third place with Ouch!

the Nuclear Tactical Penguins scored a double in the top ten, placing also in ninth position with Fuori dall'Hype Ringo Starr.

    Hernia is fourth with Gemini ahead of the Bloody Vinylcon BV3 collective.

In sixth place the other rookie of the top ten or Samuel with his second solo work Brigatabianca which also ranks second among the best-selling vinyls.

Seventh AfterHours by The Weeknd, eighth Persona by Marracash (best-selling album of 2020) and after the Pinguini in tenth place Don't WorryBest Of by Boomdabash.