The Limited Times

Portugal Parliament approves euthanasia

1/29/2021, 4:01:32 PM

There were 136 votes in favor, 78 against and 4 abstentions. Diario de Noticias writes it. (HANDLE)

 The Portuguese parliament approved euthanasia with 136 votes in favor, 78 against and 4 abstentions. Diario de Noticias writes it. The left of the Bloco de Esquerda, the greens of the Pan, the liberals of Inicziale liberal and the great majority of the Socialists of the PS - who left free to vote - in addition to two independent deputies voted in favor. Against the Communists of the PCP, the popular Democrats of the CDS and the sovereign Chega party. They voted against 9 parliamentarians from the Socialist Party. Among the socialists also two abstained. In the Social Democratic Party (PSD, center-right), which also left free to vote, the majority of parliamentarians voted against, another 14 in favor. The proposal to change the law in force was approved last February, paving the way for the vote in the classroom despite the Church instead asking for a referendum. In the draft law approved today, the "anticipation of death by decision of the person" in a situation of "extreme suffering, with irreversible injuries, of extreme seriousness, scientifically proven, or incurable and fatal disease," qualifies as "non-punishable euthanasia" when practiced (by) or with the help of health personnel ". 

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