The Limited Times

Reuse the FFP2 mask up to five times with this simple clothesline trick

1/29/2021, 10:16:32 PM

FFP2 masks are single-use products and should be disposed of after use. But you can use them more often with the following official recommendation for action.

FFP2 masks are single-use products and should be disposed of after use.

But you can use them more often with the following official recommendation for action.

  • There is no official information on how long FFP2 masks can be worn in a row before their protective effect against coronavirus wears off.

    On the website of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices it only says about FFP masks: “Intended as single-use products.

    Change and dispose of regularly! ".

  • The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is based on the recommendations of occupational safety: "According to occupational safety requirements, the continuous wearing time of FFP2 masks in healthy people is limited (see manufacturer information, usually 75 minutes with the following 30-minute break) To minimize the stress on the employee due to the increased breathing resistance, "the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung quotes the RKI.

  • At the latest, when the FFP2 mask * is moistened with breathing air, it should be changed.

    The new recommendation for action "Reuse of FFP2 masks for private use" provides instructions on how you can not dispose of the masks but use them again - up to five times.

The Münster University of Applied Sciences and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster have taken on the question that currently concerns many people: Do I actually have to throw an FFP2 mask in the trash after each use?

The researchers from Münster come to the conclusion that a very simple disinfection process makes FFP2 masks reusable.

The official recommendation for action "Reuse of FFP2 masks for private use" recommends drying in room air, among other things.

You only need seven FFP2 masks - one for each day of the week - and a



Seven days of indoor air drying: How to reuse FFP2 masks up to five times

According to the researchers at Münster University of Applied Sciences, seven days at room temperature should be enough to render coronaviruses harmless on the mask material.

In order to minimize the

risk of coronavirus infection to an acceptable level

, they suggest the following procedure:

  • Hang seven FFP2 masks in a dry room using nails, hooks, or a clothesline and clothespins.

    The hallway, living room and office are suitable, but the kitchen and bathroom are not suitable because of the high humidity.

  • The masks should be hung with sufficient space between them, i.e. not touching each other.

    It is best to mark the masks with numbers so that they can be assigned to the different days.

    One for Monday, two for Tuesday, etc.

  • The FFP2 masks have to dry for at least seven days.

    On the website of the Münster University of Applied Sciences it says: “Assuming that a reduction of over 95 percent minimizes the possible risk of infection to an acceptable level, FFP2 masks should not be worn again until the seventh day at the earliest.

    At the same time, after seven days, a reduction in the pathogens applied by the carrier (nose, throat and skin flora) can be determined ”.

  • You can also stretch several lines for your roommates.

    In this case, however, you should make sure that the masks of the different people do not touch and that there is no risk of confusion.

Also read

: Face mask on, but nose free: Is it really enough to just pull the mask over your mouth?

7-day drying: clothesline trick for repeatedly wearing FFP2 masks

In practice it looks like this: You hang your new “Monday mask” on the clothesline and let it dry there until the following Monday, i.e. for seven days.

Proceed in the same way on the other days of the week until you can take your "Monday mask" off the leash again.

You should only repeat this“ drying cycle ”five times


Dispose of the mask you wear for the fifth time in the household waste.

Even if you notice that a mask is defective, that you were coughed up directly or that a mask is particularly stressed, we recommend that you dispose of it directly before the five drying cycles have elapsed, ”says Münster University of Applied Sciences.


 * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network


More sources: wird-dann-so;; haben- Stunden-tage-wochen

Read more

: Disinfect and reuse FFP2 masks at home: Lauterbach also recommends the following procedure.

Everyday masks and the question of materials

Everyday masks and the question of materials

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