The Limited Times

Sofía Aragón is hospitalized and she explains why

1/29/2021, 6:46:38 PM

The Mexican model and former beauty queen remains in the hospital, and from there she shared a series of images to explain the situation.

The Mexican model

Sofía Aragón

is hospitalized after presenting complications in her health, which worried her followers and originated various versions about the causes for which she would be hospitalized.

Given this, the former beauty queen turned to social networks to clarify the situation, and pointed out that the reason for her hospitalization is due to the endometriosis she suffers.

The young woman, who finished as the second finalist in Miss Universe 2019, shared a series of images in the



of her Instagram account, to reassure her fans.

In one of the snapshots you can see one of his arms, with a label on the wrist that contains his general data.

Sofia Aragon / Instagram

Next to the photo Sofia wrote, "Endometriosis again doing its thing", clarifying the reason why she was in the hospital.

However, this was not the only


that the 26-year-old shared on social networks, as she later published an image in which she greets her followers while she is in the hospital bed receiving serum.

"Did you know that it affects 170 million women in the world? They have asked me a lot about this disease. Soon I will make a video to tell you about my experience and what treatments I have followed," Aragón commented with the postcard.

Sofia Aragon / Instagram

It should be noted that this is not the first time that the model has faced this situation, since she has previously declared that she has been fighting this disease for years.

On one occasion, when she recounted her experience as a Mexican representative in Miss Universe, she spoke of how she had to live without income beyond her savings during the months that her contest lasted, and that this even had an impact on her health.

"I have a gynecological problem," he revealed.

"This I already know is something very personal, very private ... (what I have) is called endometriosis. For the women who have it and who are here, I send them a kiss, because it really is horrible," he added.

Now, waiting for a positive diagnosis, Sofía also shows her followers how she receives the support of her boyfriend and fiancé,

Francisco Bernot


Sofia Aragon / Instagram

This was revealed with another image, in which he boasted of an affectionate gesture that his partner gave him: a coffee with the written message, "Get better, love of my life."

It was at the end of last December when, through her Instagram account, Sofía revealed that her boyfriend surprised her with a marriage proposal during a trip to New York. 

With Times Square as a backdrop, the young man asked the driver to become his wife.

"The best city, the perfect time, with the most incredible man," she wrote next to a photo in which she appears showing off her engagement ring.


Look at the engagement ring of Sofía Aragón, Miss Mexico.

IN VIDEO: Sofía Aragón shares a photo with her love and confirms that he is her boyfriend.

Sofía Aragón shares a photo with her love and confirms that he is her boyfriend


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