The Limited Times

VIDEO. Jean Castex: large non-food shopping centers closed and strict border controls

1/29/2021, 8:19:38 PM

Despite 23,000 new contaminations and 356 deaths in 24 hours in France, the Prime Minister wants "to give himself a chance to avoid the conf

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that "any entry into France and any exit from our territory to or from a country outside the EU will be prohibited", unless there is a compelling reason, from Sunday.

Any entry into France from the European Union is conditional on carrying out a PCR test, with the exception of cross-border workers, ”he added.

Non-food shopping centers of more than 20,000m² will be closed on Sunday, also announces Jean Castex, who justifies this decision by affirming that these centers "promote the most mixing".

Due to a "strong risk of acceleration" of the epidemic, "the question of containment is legitimately posed given these data", recognized the head of government, stressing that "the next few days will be decisive To take any further measures.