The Limited Times

Covid, Boccia: '4 million vaccines are expected to be guaranteed in February'

1/30/2021, 1:34:50 PM

The Minister for Regional Affairs at the top with the Regions for the adaptation of the vaccination plan. Hope: 'An expansive vaccination phase begins with Astrazeneca' (ANSA)

"In February another 4 million vaccines arrive, adding to the two already arrived. They must be guaranteed and above all we must administer them very quickly".

This, according to what has been learned, is one of the steps in the intervention of the Minister for

Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia

, during the summit with the Regions for the adaptation of the vaccination plan. 

"With the ok to AstraZeneca we enter an expansive phase of vaccination and serves all the staff we have selected". According to what has been learned, it is one of the steps taken by the Minister of Health,

Roberto Speranza

, during the summit with the presidents of the Regions. "We must be very careful about what Aifa will tell us - underlined the minister - even in other European countries the national agencies give fairly stringent indications, such as Germany which has authorized the use of the vaccine up to the age of 65. We await the our national authority ".