The Limited Times

Rainy weekend in the City of Buenos Aires and surroundings

1/30/2021, 11:25:33 AM

The National Weather Service anticipates a yellow alert for intense gusts of winds and storms until Thursday.

01/30/2021 8:14 AM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 01/30/2021 8:14 AM

After days of intense heat with maximum temperatures that exceeded 35 degrees and awaiting the arrival of relief, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) foresees a day with

isolated rains

in the morning for this Saturday in the City of Buenos Aires.

An afternoon is expected with

heavy rains

that will extend into the night, with a minimum temperature of 18 degrees and a maximum of 24 degrees. They also warned that there will be

gusts of wind

that will exceed 60 km / h.

The SMN issued a yellow alert due to strong winds and heavy rains in the northern part of Greater Buenos Aires in parties such as Escobar, San Fernando, San Isidro, Tigre and Vicente López.

They also warned about the presence of wind in the east of Castelli, east of Chascomús, east of Dolores, east of Lezama, east of Magdalena, east of Punta Indio and east of Tordillo.

For Campana, Exaltación de la Cruz, San Antonio de Areco, Zárate, Arrecifes, Capitán Sarmiento, Carmen de Areco, Chacabuco, Colón, General Arenales, General Pinto, Junín, Leandro N. Alem, Lincoln, Pergamino, Rojas and Salto there is an

alert yellow from heavy rain


For tomorrow,




are anticipated

throughout the day

, with a minimum temperature of 17 degrees and a maximum of 20. With wind blowing from the southeast and possible gusts that will reach 50 km / h.


Monday will

be presented with

storms in the morning

and rains in the afternoon and night, with a minimum temperature of 18 degrees and a maximum of 22, the meteorological office said.



the weather will continue unstable, mostly cloudy in the morning and with

isolated rains in the afternoon


The temperature will oscillate between 18 and 24 degrees



there is a low probability of rain both in the morning and in the evening, a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 24 degrees is expected.

Just on

Thursday they

anticipate a day free of rain, with a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 28 and with partially cloudy skies.

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