The Limited Times

Details of Messi's "pharaonic" contract at FC Barcelona unveiled

1/31/2021, 11:22:33 AM

The Spanish daily El Mundo reveals in its edition of this Sunday the amounts received by the six-fold Golden Ball at Barça since November

We know: Lionel Messi is at the end of his contract with FC Barcelona in June 2021. What we do not yet know is the future of the Argentine genius, six times Golden Ball in the Blaugrana jersey.

At 33, will he extend one last time in Catalonia or will he join another club like PSG, which “reserves a chair, just in case”, at the table of those who follow the file, as explained by Leonardo?

In either case, the financial operation for Messi's future club will be a headache.

This Sunday, January 31, the Spanish daily El Mundo unveils the details of the left-hander's "pharaonic" contract.

Since the signing of this lease in November 2017, Messi would have received 555,237,619 euros.

The “front page” of the Spanish newspaper is spectacular and shines the spotlight on this sum, over half a billion euros, that the footballer would touch.

"The pharaonic contract which ruins Barça", headlines El Mundo, supporting documents.

"555,237,619 euros, the pharaonic contract which ruins Barça", the "front page" of El Mundo this Sunday./El Mundo  

“The player signed a document in November 2017 which grants him up to 138 million euros per season between fixed and variable salary, writes the daily.

The agreement includes two bonuses: one for signing the lease (115,225,000 euros) and another for loyalty (77,929,955 euros).

Despite the disappointments in the Champions League, which offers superior rewards, he has secured 92% of the total (

Editor's note: of the contract

) and it continues to increase.


380,299 euros gross per day

In total, still according to El Mundo, Messi would receive after taxes and contributions around 297 million euros net.

Within this contract exist all kinds of bonuses, in particular sporting objectives.

La Pulga, his nickname, would receive a bonus of 4.7 million euros in the event of a final victory in the league.

According to calculations, this would bring his daily emoluments to 380,299 euros gross per day, or 210,297 euros net.

So much for the numbers.


Lionel Messi at PSG, a financial puzzle to several unknowns

These revelations resonate throughout the Spanish and world press.

Barça is currently going through an electoral period prior to the appointment of its future president, on March 7.

Among the candidates, Victor Font, close to the legend Xavi Hernandez, ex-teammate of Messi, reacted on social networks.

“Lionel Messi won until the last euro he brought back to Barça.

He didn't ruin us.

On the contrary.

He's the best player in history and we want him to continue with us forever, ”he wrote.

The Catalan club has been going through an institutional crisis for several months, accentuated by the health crisis of the coronavirus.

Its finances are weighed down by a debt close to a billion euros and revenues at half mast.

Barça saw its salary limit reduced by 47% by La Liga, parent company of the Spanish championship.

Financially constrained, he had to find pay cut deals with many players to avoid bankruptcy.

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Today it is impossible for Barca to find a financial deal similar to that revealed by El Mundo with Lionel Messi.

This Sunday at midday, neither the Blaugranas nor Messi had reacted to the information disclosed.