The Limited Times

Incidents in Marseille: Sunday's OM-PSG clasico under threat

1/31/2021, 9:10:33 PM

After the serious events of this Saturday at the training center of the Marseille team, the clasico next Sunday against PSG t

The large displacement of Dimitri Payet left the Commanderie under a flurry of insults, this Sunday noon.

“It is not in his interest to miss out against Paris,” comments a supporter.

Many curious people passed in front of the training center this Sunday afternoon to take a photo of the charred cypress trees or the ransacked security office.

The barrier, which usually makes the Robert-Louis-Dreyfus center a citadel, has given way in several places.

Behind one of the breaches, a steward sighs: "This is where the most violent have entered.

Behind him, the sports building in which the players made their greening.

This is where Alvaro Gonzalez was hit by a projectile.

Two OM employees were injured, confirms the club, which insists especially on the material damage: the windows exploded by projectiles, thefts in the building, the cars and the team bus damaged.

Jacques-Henri Eyraud spoke on France Info of a “punitive expedition.

OM owner Frank McCourt spoke of “dark forces”, going so far as to compare Saturday's intrusion to the invasion of the Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump.

He renews his confidence in Jacques-Henri Eyraud, particularly targeted by the supporters.

“They do not recognize themselves in his way of leading the club and they wanted to say it, Marseille,” says a source close to the Ultras.

JHE intends to respond to them through the law and through dialogue.

OM has filed several complaints.

This Sunday evening, 14 supporters are still in custody.

"We have reached a maximum level in the protest"

A week before the reception of PSG, the authorities also made an offensive speech.

The police will be "ultra-vigilant" they say behind the scenes.

The device around the stadium and the Commanderie should be reinforced: on Saturday, the 30 agents who stood guard at the training center were quickly overwhelmed.

“The Clasico will be boiling hot,” announces a steward.

Annoyed by the statements of Jacques-Henri Eyraud, who says he is supported by a "silent majority", some ultras are already calling for a new rally.

“Everyone in front of the stadium, we will see if he is supported by the majority,” says a fan.

Will he walk the talk, when gatherings are of course prohibited due to the curfew?

"We will be very vigilant, but we are not worried," says one to the town hall of the 6th and 8th arrondissements.

"I think we have reached a maximum level in the dispute, opines a very good connoisseur of Marseille supporters.

Everything will depend on the match in Lens

(Editor's note: this Wednesday)

, but I do not think that violence occurs with the reception of Paris.

“On the other hand, a humiliation against the Parisian rival could, according to this expert, throw a new spark on the Marseilles powder keg.

The prefect of police intends to pronounce long stadium bans and even brandishes the threat of dissolutions of groups of supporters.

"I am very skeptical," comments the lawyer for the National Supporters Association, Pierre Barthélémy.

It is a competence of the Ministry of the Interior and the procedure is very long.
