The Limited Times

Unions announce the end of the strike on France 3

1/31/2021, 6:23:02 PM

After two weeks of discontent, the unions of France 3 announced on Sunday the end of their strike movement against "6.30 pm", a new section of information available in 13 regional editions. After two weeks of a strike which had notably disrupted the launch of this new box on January 25, the trade unions CGT, SNJ and SUD believe "that the mobilization has allowed some progress" and therefore lift t

After two weeks of discontent, the unions of France 3 announced on Sunday the end of their strike movement against "6.30 pm", a new section of information available in 13 regional editions.

After two weeks of a strike which had notably disrupted the launch of this new box on January 25, the trade unions CGT, SNJ and SUD believe

"that the mobilization has allowed some progress"

and therefore lift their notice of strike from Sunday midnight.

Read also: France Télévisions sees its advertising revenues fall by 5% in 2020

The "6.30 pm", broadcast from Monday to Friday, offers

"a renewed look at information in the regions, just before local editions and 19/20"

, explained France 3 in a press release published in mid-January.

But for the unions, this new program lacks

“dedicated resources”



, and they therefore demanded that it be postponed in order to set up a

“real ambitious regionalization project”


"The trade unions are aware that on the main demand


the management has not given in"

, but

"we do not want to take the responsibility of putting employees who are already in health insecurity, in financial insecurity, by dragging them into a standoff, the limits of which we see today


indicates the union press release.

This new section of information is part of a regionalization strategy for France 3, which provides for an increase in the content produced and broadcast in the regions, to the detriment of national programs.