The Limited Times

Vaccini: Cirio 'we are not waiting for Rome, we are looking for 3 million pieces'

2/12/2021, 5:37:33 PM

"We are Savoy and we respect the rules, but even today we have continued the work of autonomous research of vaccines on the international market. We have given a mandate to Scr, the regional commissioning company, to look for three million pieces". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - TURIN, 12 FEB - "We are Savoy and we respect the rules, but even today we have continued the work of autonomous research of vaccines on the international market. We have given Scr, the regional commissioning company, to look for three million pieces". Thus the governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, on the regional vaccination campaign. "We don't want to waste even a minute - underlines the governor - and above all we are not waiting for Rome. If there is a way in compliance with the rules that allows me to self-supply, I must follow it, because the vaccine is the only real weapon to get out of this crisis ". (HANDLE).

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