The Limited Times

Debate over the effectiveness of vitamins against corona Israel today

2/14/2021, 3:22:40 PM

| health European studies: Vitamin D treatment helps patients cope with virus • British MP calls on government: Use vitamin • However, vitamin C is ineffective Vitamin D Photo:  Photo illustration: GettyImages A number of new studies, some before peer review, seem to reinforce claims that vitamin D helps people cope with the corona virus. This information was provided by British MP David Davis, who ca

European studies: Vitamin D treatment helps patients cope with virus • British MP calls on government: Use vitamin • However, vitamin C is ineffective

  • Vitamin D


    Photo illustration: GettyImages

A number of new studies, some before peer review, seem to reinforce claims that vitamin D helps people cope with the corona virus.

This information was provided by British MP David Davis, who called on the British government to encourage hospitals to provide the vitamin as part of their care for patients.  

The first study was conducted at the Del Mar Hospital in Barcelona among people who fell ill in Corona.

Patients were divided into two groups one who received vitamin D and one who did not receive the vitamin and was a control group. 

According to the results of this study, published in the Social Science Research Network, eighty percent of patients who received the vitamin were at lower risk of being hospitalized in intensive care.

Another conclusion that emerged from the study was that those who received the vitamin were at a 60 percent reduced risk of death from the disease.

According to the study, which is preliminary and has not yet undergone peer control, only 36 patients out of the 551 patients treated with vitamin D died from the corona virus compared to 57 patients out of 379 in the control group.

As mentioned, in another study, researchers found that of those who received vitamin D, only 5 percent were hospitalized in intensive care.

In a document written by the researchers, they noted that "in this randomized open-label study, conducted during the first outbreak of the disease in Europe, we found that corona patients treated with butimin D were 80 percent less likely to require intensive care."   

Meanwhile, a new study conducted at the Cleveland Clinic and published in JAMA, showed that vitamin C and zinc have no effect on the corona virus.

According to the researchers, "these supplements were given as part of the outbreak of the corona virus along with all sorts of other supplements as part of efforts to defeat the disease. However, clinical research has shown that there is no effect on vitamin C or zinc on the disease at any level of dose given." 

In the Cleveland Clinic study, 214 people participated between April and October last year.

Patients were divided into four groups: the one who received only vitamin C, the one who received only zinc, one who received both supplements and the control group who did not receive any supplement.

As mentioned, no differences were found between the groups.