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Recall of cooking oil: "Confusion, hallucinations and paranoid states threaten"

2/14/2021, 2:13:11 PM

If you last bought a certain type of oil, you should check the label now. Consumption in high doses could have very unpleasant consequences.

If you last bought a certain type of oil, you should check the label now.

Consumption in high doses could have very unpleasant consequences.

  • A manufacturer is recalling hemp oil because of psychoactive substances.

  • With high consumption, confusion, hallucinations and paranoid states could occur.

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Wellheim - The company "Altmühltaler Pumpkin Seeds" warns of several batches of its hemp oil - the reason for the recall are psychoactive substances.

Hemp oil in the 100, 250 and 500 milliliter packaging and with the best before dates 15.02.2022 and 16.06.2022 is affected.

The product was mainly sold in the districts of Eichstätt, Neuburg Schrobenhausen, Donau-Ries, Erding and Wetteraukreis.

A list of the sales outlets named by the manufacturer can be found here.

In a sample of the food, "due to contamination, psychoactive substances were found which, if taken up acutely in the body, have a sedative effect, and can lead to a reduced memory function and a reduction in diastolic blood pressure," the statement said.

Recall for oil: "In high doses, there is a threat of confusion, hallucinations and paranoid states"

And further: "In high doses, psychotomimetic effects with confusion, hallucinations and paranoid states can occur." Customers could return the oil without a receipt in the supermarket and get their money back.

Hemp oil is increasingly on the shelves, but it also hit the headlines in another context last autumn: Corona.

At the time, experts warned against dubious protection promises made by certain providers (the manufacturer "Altmühler pumpkin seeds" was

not one of


Ginger extract was also advertised.

Hemp oil: Experts warn against supposed miracle cures against Corona

"Among the dietary supplements there are no miracle cures against Covid-19", emphasized Friedel Cramer, President of the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), in Berlin.

"In my opinion, it is unheard of how some retailers are trying in the current situation to profit from people's fears." Dietary supplements could neither prevent nor cure Covid-19 diseases.

Nor should they be advertised with statements related to illness. 

Unsustainable corona promises: consumer advocates take action against food supplement providers

In Germany, the control bodies of the federal states have already found 60 such offers on the Internet.

According to the BVL, the German-language offers were forwarded to the responsible supervisory authorities for review.

After controls, the offers were changed or deleted.

Among other things, she took action against a company that advertised that hemp oil could reduce susceptibility to all types of viral infections.

Another provider advertised an "Immunity Set" - various plant powders for the production of smoothies that were supposed to help fight the coronavirus.

The consumer association sued this provider.

(frs with material from dpa)

List of rubric lists: © David Ebener / dpa

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