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Reveals everything: Justin Timberlake in full nudity on screen - Walla! Celebs

2/14/2021, 11:43:17 AM

Britney Who? Although he's been busy lately apologizing to his ex, you might want to pay attention to Justin Timberlake's impressive role in his new film ... where the star reveals everything, including his ass, with no clothes at all. Walla! Celebs film critic

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Reveals everything: Justin Timberlake in full nudity on screen

Britney Who?

Although he's been busy lately apologizing to his ex, you might want to pay attention to Justin Timberlake's impressive role in his new film ... where the star reveals everything, including his ass, with no clothes at all.


Celebs film critic


  • Justin Timberlake



Sunday, 14 February 2021, 12:04

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Criminal ... naked.

Justin Timberlake in the movie "Palmer" (Photo: PR, from the movie, APPLE TV)

Among the happy news seems to be the birth of

Justin Timberlake

's second son

, for recently apologizing to

Janet Jackson

(for shirking responsibility after the breast-exposure incident at the Super Bowl show) and the mythological ex,

Britney Spears

(for treating her publicly disparagingly in the years that followed) Their parting) - the world has not exactly noticed a very, very intimate moment of the pop star on screen: where he appears in full nudity on screen, in the new film starring "Palmer".

Yes, exactly, it's Timberlake's bare buttocks that are seen during a provocative sex scene - that brings the sexy back into fashion.


Gossip about the exposed Justin Timberlake also on Instagram

Returns the sexy.

Timberlake gets dirty in the new movie (Photo: PR, from the movie, APPLE TV)

You're here for it, are you?

Timberlake's Butt (Photo: PR, from the movie, APPLE TV)

Timberlake, 40, plays a prisoner who is released after more than a decade, in the drama film that recently aired on "Apple TV +", Apple's streaming service that is also available to watch in Israel.

And what do tough criminals in rehabilitation do after many years in prison?

You understand alone, so for the sake of the role the guy took off all his clothes, including those underwear, into a sensual sex scene in front of the camera.

More on Walla!



An excuse for Justin Timberlake to get drunk on stage

To the full article

In case you were wondering, "Palmer" is the movie where the pop star plays alongside

Elisha Wainwright

- the actress to whom she seems particularly close, when their paparazzi photos hang out together in the hours after filming, igniting a wave of rumors that betrayed his wife,

Jessica Bale


By the way, even then he apologized, even though he claimed to have done nothing but hold the hand of a friend from work, but you know what it's like ... If there is nothing to apologize for, why apologize at all?


Celebs expose their buttocks to the voyeuristic neighbor at least once a week.

Sexy scenes ... (Photo: PR, from the movie, APPLE TV)

Yes indeed!

(Photo: PR, from the film, APPLE TV)

Without clothes.

Justin (Photo: PR, from the movie, APPLE TV)

Did you enjoy it?

Justin Timberlake on screen (Photo: PR, from the movie, APPLE TV)

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