The Limited Times

Syrian Scientific Olympiad students participate in the international competition for informatics

2/14/2021, 5:04:11 PM

Damascus-SANA The students of the Syrian Scientific Olympiad participated today in the info (1) international cup for Informatics, which was held by the students


Syrian Scientific Olympiad students participated today in the info (1) international cup competition for Informatics, organized by Romania “remotely” with the participation of students from 13 countries.

The Excellence and Creativity Authority stated in a statement, which SANA received a copy of, that the participating Syrian team included Hussein Busbait and Yazan Al-Homsi Al-Attar from Damascus Governorate, Ammar Al-Fen and Muhammad Amr Nassif from Homs Governorate.

The competition lasted for five consecutive hours, at the same time in the participating countries, and by direct electronic connection between the students and the scientific committee in Romania.

The competition included a set of questions in the English language that require a high ability to analyze and think logically in the field of programming and algorithms. Solutions will be evaluated using an automatic evaluation system that is identical to the system used in the International Olympiad in Informatics.

The competition aims to encourage talented adolescents in the field of informatics and evaluate their knowledge on the theoretical and practical levels in order to qualify them to participate in the International Informatics Olympiad and to develop their level of specialization.

Syria's last official participation in this competition was in 2019, when the Syrian Scientific Olympiad team won one silver and two bronze medals.

Indian Helena