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Yehoram genius against vaccine opponents: "Let them put a sign on their foreheads" | Israel today

2/14/2021, 1:16:11 PM

The singer and actor posted about Corona's refusers, who attacked him back • "Let them put a sign on their foreheads", he wrote - and replied: "Women yellow badge" | native

The singer and actor put up a charged post regarding the Corona refusers, who were furious and attacked him back • "I am afraid of them", he wrote - and replied: "Women yellow badge"

  • "Where do I have the right to live?"

    Yehoram Gaon


    Eric Sultan

The controversy over corona vaccines is not lost on celebrities either, as they too are divided into two clear camps: those who shout against and those who sharply attack vaccine opponents.

The singer, actor and person whose name came up in connection with the candidacy for president Yehoram Gaon (81), last night (Saturday) posted a long and charged Facebook post that included an angry manifesto against those who oppose the vaccine, even offering to physically mark them so others know to beware of them.

"I have a request from those who refuse to be vaccinated," Gaon opened the post, which was to cause a network storm within minutes of its rise.

"With all due respect, please put a sign on their forehead that reads 'Caution I am not vaccinated', that we know who they are walking down the street and run away from them, and that is why I am afraid of them. And as they use their legal right to their body I seek to exercise my legal right over my body. Mine to be protected from them, "declared a genius.

"I'm afraid they'll stick with the law that says 'the individual's right to decide his actions and desires according to his choice and every person is free from interfering with his body without his consent.' The law sounds well deserved and enlightened, but I am convinced the drafters did not consider (when drafting it) the possibility of A global catastrophe like a contagious plague in which man is not alone in the struggle and his rights-bearing body becomes part of many and their rights to live.

"This is an emergency where human rights can be shaky. A classic case where certain laws must adapt to worldwide one-time situations like epidemic and vaccine. 'Your right to your body' says the law, but what to do your body during an epidemic near my body in the supermarket, cafe, garden "At school, can catch up with me and also kill, where's my right to live?", A genius protested angrily.

"Dear vaccine refuser, please use your right not to be vaccinated and return home. Do not leave until the epidemic passes. Respect my right to stay healthy. Laws are created as a means of improving life, to make them more proper and worthy. Law is a tool not a purpose, and if the law becomes a purpose "It loses its essence and becomes in the days of an epidemic something that helps human beings to live just a burden that can cause their death," concluded Gaon.

The post (which has meanwhile been mistakenly removed, according to Gaon's columnists, who said they are working to get it back and that he is behind what he wrote), garnered thousands of angry comments online that spared no blunt words and angrily attacked Gaon's remarks.

"All the dark people who identify with the hateful and inciting words of Yehoram Gaon, especially the educated and 'enlightened' among you," wrote an angry surfer, "You no longer scare me as before. Thcls pities you and is ashamed for you. How the fucking look at yourself in the mirror on the day "If you beg for my forgiveness after all the dust has settled, I will consider forgiving, but in life I will not forget and in life I will not be able to look you in the eye ... Your side of history does not look good."

Another surfer was even more blunt: "Yehoram Gaon? The wig closed the cells in your brain? Maybe you'll just go into isolation at home and not see anyone? Still, if it's so dangerous outside. Full of disease spreaders and that. What closes with the artists. "If that's what's out of your mouth, incitement, just keep shut up. Better. From that moment on, you became my trash can."

"Yehoram Gaon. Please write on my forehead 'I am a babysitter' and then we will know to be careful," wrote another surfer and others joined the attack: "No problem Yehoram Gaon. Women are yellow badges. There is no limit to stupidity, ignorance, hatred. This is what fear does to people. "What to fear. Neither cancer nor coronary heart disease. There is a lot to do here to get the fear out of humans. You must have been scared properly." 

This Yoram genius, genius!

Posted by Dr. Lior Unger on Saturday, February 13, 2021

Alongside the angry reactions were also those who supported the singer: "This Yoram genius, genius!"

Dr. Lior Unger, who is known as a major supporter of vaccines online, and shared a photo of the post, and others responded: "The vaccine is protective? A stupid question.

Magen and everyone should be vaccinated clearly "," Emet Yehoram is a genius really genius.

Those who do not get vaccinated are dangerous, "and" in our country we must and without a certificate go nowhere.

No theater to come, not fly and get nowhere.

It's a pity, we have to end the terrible plague, so they want to get vaccinated. "