The Limited Times

Dresden: Nurse reports from Corona station: "The path of dying is very different"

2/14/2021, 12:10:34 PM

Carmen Kleiner takes care of seriously ill Covid 19 patients. How does she help people? And how does she deal with it when she can no longer help you?

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Corona station in Dresden

Photo: Sebastian Kahnert / picture alliance / dpa

“At least one patient per day has died with us recently.

Of course, this does not leave us without a trace, it affects the substance.

In the past, of course, we also had deaths on the ward, but not in this number.

We then wrapped them in sheets.

Today we have to take plastic bags with zippers due to the infection.

It's a strange feeling.

It was particularly bad in December.

The corpses sometimes stayed in the ward for up to 24 hours because there was no storage capacity and the undertakers couldn't keep up.

The clinic offered us psychological help, which we thankfully declined at the moment.

We are a good team, we can talk to each other openly, support and build each other up, we can let our feelings run free, even if tears flow.

But that's okay.

This is the only way we can survive this time together.

My day in the clinic starts at 6:30 a.m.

The station is sealed off and can only be opened with a transponder.

First you enter the so-called gray area.

A normal surgical mask and a gown are sufficient here.

A red line is stuck in front of the patient rooms.

This is where the black area begins, there it becomes dangerous.

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