The Limited Times

Because they don't want to get married: a strange custom meets couples on Valentine's Day of all places

2/15/2021, 11:43:17 AM

Because they have been together for over seven years and there is still no wedding coming up, the couple Alexander Bitsch (25) and Sonja Weidel (29) from Neufarn have now got a starvation tree.

Because they have been together for over seven years and there is still no wedding coming up, the couple Alexander Bitsch (25) and Sonja Weidel (29) from Neufarn have now got a starvation tree.

Neufarn / Vaterstetten

- On Valentine's Day, the caretaker and teacher were amazed when, around 12 noon, Sonja's sister and her husband were standing in front of their doorstep in Neufarn (Vaterstetten municipality) with the hunger tree.

In the courtyard they handed over the tree - according to tradition the crookedest and ugliest that could be found - and placed it on the couple's balcony - because of the lack of a garden.

Neufarn / Vaterstetten: Couple gets a hunger tree set up on Valentine's Day

The couple knew the more recent tradition of the hunger tree from Weidel's sister: "Back then when we set up we were right at the front and shouted loudly, you've been together for seven years, now there's a hunger tree and wanted to add even more rules," she remembers with a smile .

And there are many rules: Usually society brings the tree to the couple with a big move.

The man “starving his girlfriend in front of the altar” is then allowed to plant the tree in the garden with great difficulty.

Well visible and in the couple's way as soon as possible

Tradition in Bavaria: The hunger tree has many rules

Then the statutes are signed: The tree has to be specially decorated on the festive days, such as New Year, Mardi Gras, Easter, May 1st, Pentecost, All Saints Day and Christmas.

Including unannounced controls where a schnapps must be served.

Once a year a party and after four more years the couple has to invite the whole company to the tavern.

Only after the wedding, when the wedding tree has been planted, may the hunger tree be cut off.

Corona is no exception: Because of the pandemic, the fun company did not come all at once, but every half hour.

Little by little, the couple received guests who decorated the tree with objects that were as shabby as possible, signed the statutes and toasted them.

No exception because of Corona: hunger tree set up on balcony - company comes every half hour

“It's amazing how quickly time goes by,” says Alexander Bitsch, looking thoughtfully at the tree.

"He's nice and clean, but nice and clean."

A desperate letter of appeal to Prime Minister Söder also did nothing in the end: The carnival holidays are canceled.

For Anne Schabow and her son Oskar, this means: This week there will also be workouts, although strength and motivation have suffered.

All the news from Neufarn, Vaterstetten and the Ebersberg district is available from the Ebersberger Zeitung.

(By Raffael Scherer)

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