The Limited Times

Bolsonaro's morbid passion for gunpowder

2/16/2021, 8:01:30 PM

Pretending that Brazil can become the most armed country in the world is an aberration in a martyred nation with more than 40,000 homicides a year

The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on February 9 in Brasilia.EVARISTO SA / AFP

If something characterizes Bolsonaro's idiosyncrasy, it is his passion for weapons, for everything that smells like gunpowder.

The president of Brazil admits that target shooting is one of his favorite sports, and his eagerness to arm Brazilians to the teeth surely reveals a psychiatric problem that I do not know if it has a scientific name.

Saying that "the town is vibrating with happiness" for being able to possess so many weapons shows their morbid obsession with violence ....

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