The Limited Times

Rapper Pablo Hasél enters prison after being detained by the Mossos at the University of Lleida

2/16/2021, 7:44:05 PM

The singer, who did not appear in prison after the period given by the National Court, has to serve a sentence for exalting terrorism and insults to the Crown

The Mossos d'Esquadra entered the University of Lleida on Tuesday to arrest rapper Pablo Rivadulla Duro, known as Pablo Hasél, who last Friday disobeyed the court order imposed by the National Court, which had given him until eight o'clock in the afternoon of that day to voluntarily enter prison after being sentenced to nine months in prison for exalting terrorism and insults to the Crown.

Shortly after his arrest he was transferred to the Ponent de Lleida prison to serve his sentence.

The imprisonment comes after barricading themselves on Monday in the university facilities, inside the rector's building, along with dozens of supporters.

  • In English: Spanish rapper convicted over tweets arrested after ignoring prison deadline

  • Photogallery: Hasél's arrest, in pictures

This Tuesday, a strong police force made up of dozens of Mossos d'Esquadra agents and a score of vans from the Mobile Brigade riot control were deployed from 6.30 in the vicinity of the rectory to proceed to the arrest of Hasél.

The regional police have been able to circumvent the barricades that the rapper's followers had built with chairs and tables from university classrooms at the entrances to the building.

When the agents have entered the building they have been greeted with several discharges of the powder from various fire extinguishers.



have identified one by one the followers of the rapper who has accompanied them to the outside of the building.

Hasél was awaiting his arrest on the third floor of the rectory.

The rapper has not resisted and when he was transferred to the patrol car, seeing that the cameras registered his arrest, he shouted: “They will never shut us up.

Death to the fascist state ”.

The agents have transferred the singer directly to the Ponent prison.

On Friday, after the rapper did not enter prison, the National Court had to issue a search and arrest warrant and the Mossos were in charge of arresting him.

“I am locked up together with many supporters in the University of Lleida (UdL), they will have to burst it to arrest me and imprison me.

It is in the rectory of Rambla Aragó in case someone here wants to help out, "Hasél tweeted on Monday, warning that he was not going to flee, but he was not going to make his arrest easy either.

Precisely on Monday was when the National Court issued the search and capture order.

Hasél's arrest is for serving a sentence of nine months in prison for the crimes of exalting terrorism and insults to the Crown, a penalty that will be increased to more than two years because the sentence included a fine that the rapper has refused to turn off.

In addition, he has another two-year sentence, suspended, for similar acts, and was sentenced to six months in prison for attacking a journalist.

He was also convicted of striking an unfavorable witness in a trial.

These last two sentences are appealed.

In addition, justice is investigating him for his participation in the attempted assault on the Lleida Government Subdelegation on March 25, 2018, in the acts of protest for the arrest of


fugitive Carles Puigdemont in Germany.

The first conviction of the rapper, which is on hold, is for having uploaded to YouTube several songs composed by him in which he praised the attacks by Grapo, ETA, Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups and asked that representatives of the PP and the PSOE.

The National High Court justifies, in Hasél's background, the order to enter prison: “With this criminal record it would be absolutely discriminatory with respect to other criminals, and also a serious individual exception in the application of the law, totally lacking justification, the suspension of the execution of the sentence to this convict ”, argues the court.

And he adds that "the campaigns" in his favor "that some people may have orchestrated cannot determine the non-application of the current law, but rather its eventual modification by Parliament."

The rapper has always relied on freedom of expression to write and disseminate lyrics such as "I'm not sorry for your shot in the neck, pepero", "someone sticking an ice ax in José Bono's head" or "where many communists don't they know the Grapo, I do respect the one who killed more than one pig ”,“ Hopefully the Grapo will return ”,“ Gora ETA ”or“ it deserves that Patxi López's car explode ”, among many other expressions.

United We can ask for clemency for the rapper

Unidos Podemos has announced that it will register a petition for a pardon for Pablo Hasél with the Ministry of Justice. This was indicated at a press conference by the president of the parliamentary group, Jaume Asens, to advance that it is an initiative of the party in line with its proposed law to reinforce freedom of expression and repeal the so-called crimes of opinion. "We understand that it cannot be democratic normality that, while the investigation for the alleged corruption in the monarchy is closed, those who criticize it in songs are imprisoned," the UP representative has deepened. / EP