The Limited Times

Republicans propose to vaccinate only US citizens

2/16/2021, 9:07:24 PM

Republican legislators proposed that the government not allocate funds to vaccinate people who are irregularly in the country.

Why are infections decreasing in the US?


(CNN Spanish) -

The debate was agitated in the virtual session of the Energy and Commerce Commission of the United States House of Representatives.

Jeff Duncan, representative to the House for South Carolina, presented an amendment to the economic stimulus bill to face the pandemic that the White House presented.

He proposed denying project funds to vaccinate anyone irregularly present in the country.

According to Duncan, the government should not use funds to vaccinate non-citizens, reiterating that former President Donald Trump's policy of putting America first should be followed.

Her colleague from Arizona, Debbie Lesko, supported the proposal and assured that "she has worked with Hispanics, who are good workers."

He added that "we are compassionate people, but we must take care of our American citizens first, or those who are here legally."

But Rep. Raúl Ruiz, a California Democrat and physician by profession, rejected the arguments of Duncan and other Republicans.

He accused them of promoting conspiracy theories and putting all Americans at risk.

Ruiz reiterated that vaccination is necessary from the point of view of public health.

He further added that decisions should be made based on science.

Republican Congressman Tim Walberg, who represents Michigan's seventh district, demanded that Ruiz apologize for accusing Commission Republicans backing the amendment of promoting conspiracy theories.

According to Walberg, this put the undocumented above the Americans.

Congressman Ruiz refused to apologize and reiterated that vaccination would not be effective if groups such as the undocumented, who in many cases work in high-risk sectors, are excluded.

Congressman Duncan's amendment was defeated by the Democratic majority on the Commission and will not be part of the final bill.

Undocumented Immigrants Coronavirus Vaccine