The Limited Times

The boiling PJ: what the closing of lists and Máximo Kirchner's arm wrestling left in the Province

2/16/2021, 10:37:48 PM

Rodríguez Saá wants to challenge Alberto Fernández with Milagro Sala and De Vido on the ballot. The tension will continue until Friday.

Federico Mayol

02/16/2021 18:06

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 02/16/2021 18:06

Friday is the key day.

Alberto Rodríguez Saá will then know if his list is made official, presented at the stroke of midnight on Monday, with which he sought to

challenge the unity of the PJ

, accompanied by a group of leaders and former K officials with a black palate such as the extra-partisan Milagro Sala, Gabriel Mariotto, Julio de Vido and his wife Alessandra "Lali" Minnicelli.

Protected - with dubious legitimacy, according to party legal sources - by

nine boxes and some 85 thousand guarantees.

They need, to begin with, the difficult backing of five provincial party presidents.

Sergio Berni was much more pragmatic.

Before the weekend, he reserved number -400- and color -red punctured- from his "Order and work" list, he had a dozen boxes delivered with the guarantees, which were accumulated yesterday at the Matheu Street headquarters, he threatened with present his application and traveled to rest in Bariloche, to wait for the phone to ring.

What the provincial minister himself had suspected happened:

he excused himself for the inclusion of Axel Kicillof as one of the five vice



of the official roster who is running for Alberto Fernández.

With the promise, they say, of a locker in the Buenos Aires Peronism, the fight that is approaching after the closing of these hours of the national PJ.

Fernández, president of the PJ -the election is scheduled for March 20-, a position that, like the country's Presidency, was not on his radar until just over a year and a half ago, was completed at the close of Monday due to the need of the Frente de Todos to maintain unity in the election year and prop up the figure of the head of state, whose leadership never finished consolidating.

The governor of San Luis wanted to break that search, surrounded by leaders who, at the very least, are asking for the pardon of Milagro Sala.

There was never any possibility of agreeing, despite the friendly talk that Rodríguez Saá and Fernández held last November, once the PJ electoral calendar was postponed.

Gastón Harispe, from the Octubres movement, tried to practice the same pragmatism as Berni: he delivered documentation - "incomplete," they trusted from the party electoral board - and wrote to Santiago Cafiero to negotiate.

It was not very successful.

Along with Cafiero -

Juan Manuel Olmos

, the presidential advisor with a limited agenda,

also collaborated -

but with more prominence, Minister

Eduardo "Wado" from Pedro

put the negotiations with the trade unionism and, especially, with the governors on his shoulder.

José Luis Gioja

, current president of the PJ, with COVID although asymptomatic, followed the conversations from his home in San Juan.


Cristina Álvarez Rodríguez

, Kicillof,

Analía Rach Quiroga

-deputy governor of Jorge Capitanich-,

Juan Manzur


Lucía Corpacci from


as vice-presidents -for the first time with gender parity-, and the nominations of Héctor Daer, Alicia Kirchner, De Pedro, Cafiero, Hugo Yasky, Pablo Moyano, Omar Perotti, Gustavo Bordet, Gustavo Menéndez and Víctor Santa María, among others, the Frente de Todos gathered behind Fernández the almost complete unity of all sectors of the front.

Without the presence of Cristina Kirchner, who never liked the PJ but who, unlike Fernández, does not need the party structure to occupy the centrality of power and exercise leadership.

Máximo Kirchner did not save a place either: he waits for the Buenos Aires PJ to finish consolidating his role as a weighty leader in the province of Buenos Aires.

He tried it at the end of last year, encouraged, in part, by Martín Insaurralde, whose bond with some of his colleagues is broken and who has been responding to La Cámpora for a long time, for many reasons: they gave him control of the Chamber of Deputies Provincial and Lottery through two of his trusted men.

The December "operation clamor" was warmer than expected.

Fernando Gray, Gustavo Menéndez and Juan Zabaleta

were planted


It was then resolved to wait a while.

In Buenos Aires territory, they estimate that the head of the Frente de Todos block in the lower house and the leadership of La Cámpora will have to sit down with the suburban mayors at the negotiating table in the coming weeks.

In any case, the party leadership of Máximo Kirchner is already a fact.


Unless they pose a madness,

" explains a mayor close to the Casa Rosada.

The menu of the discussion table goes from the lockers and the proxies and the legislative lists of this year to the fight for the Argentine Federation of Municipalities (FAM), for which Fernando Espinoza, Kirchner's candidate, and Zabaleta, for the pink House.

An organization that has long since been emptied, which

Néstor Kirchner

revitalized during his tenure and which has now become another area traversed by the official interns.