The Limited Times

The first batch of vaccines will arrive in Paraguay on Thursday

2/16/2021, 8:46:12 PM

The 4,000 vaccines that will arrive in Paraguay this Thursday will be destined for 2,000 health workers in the intensive care area.

The Latin American countries that authorized Sputnik V 0:33

(CNN) -

The first shipment of vaccines against covid-19 will arrive in Paraguay on Thursday.

Health Minister Julio Mazzoleni told a press conference that it is part of the batch of one million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine, purchased by the State from the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).

The 4,000 doses that will arrive this Thursday will be distributed to the health regions and destined for 2,000 health workers in the intensive care area, the health ministry said.

Mazzoleni recalled that two doses are necessary to generate immunity against severe forms of covid-19.

Therefore, half the doses will be applied initially and then the other to ensure immunization.

The minister indicated that the health ministry awaits the arrival of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines, acquired through the Covax mechanism, but they still do not know the date.


According to the official IP news agency, Paraguay acquired some 4 million reserved doses through that collaboration platform.

Mazzoleni added that the National Defense Council and the National Emergency Secretariat will accompany the security device and transport of the vaccines.

The Ministry of Health reported that it has special equipment for handling and transporting the doses, which must be kept at -18 ° C.

Once the vaccines have arrived, 72 hours are expected to start their application.

The second dose should be given to the same health personnel about three weeks later.

As of Monday, the Ministry of Health had confirmed 145,095 cases of covid-19 and 2,953 deaths associated with the disease.
