The Limited Times

The government of the Turkish regime spends millions of pounds to construct prisons

2/16/2021, 7:37:12 PM

Ankara-SANA The opposition parliamentarian and CHP deputy, Suleiman Bulbul, revealed that the Justice and Development Party government


The opposition parliamentarian and CHP deputy, Suleiman Bulbul, revealed that the AKP government spent millions of Turkish lira on building prisons during its rule.

The Turkish Zaman newspaper quoted Bulbul, a member of the Justice Committee in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, as saying that 12 billion Turkish liras were invested in building prisons during the rule of the Justice and Development Party over 19 years after their claims that there was no money and that they had allocated 4.5 billion Turkish liras to prisons. New over the next two years.

Bulbul added that the government of the Turkish regime allocates 4.5 billion pounds to build prisons instead of allocating them for the construction of factories, so that the Turkish Statistics Authority was unable to whiten the face of the government.

Bulbul pointed out that the number of prisons that increased with the arrests pushed the brains in the country to emigrate, and according to the data of the Social Democracy Foundation, 62 percent of the youth in Turkey want to travel outside the country, and 47.3 percent of the youth who voted for justice and development want to emigrate, noting that the reason for migration is due to There is no work, security, and freedom.

A member of the Republican People's Party considered that in a country where there is no democracy and freedoms and there can be no judicial independence, pointing out that there can be no state of law in the "one-man" system where there is no separation between the judicial and legislative authorities and under the tutelage of the executive authority, mechanisms disappeared. Oversight and accountability in this system.

Bulbul criticized the talk of the President of the Turkish regime, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his ally, the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party, about changing the constitution as an attempt to artificial change the agenda, while the citizen’s demand for work, food, bread, freedom and democracy.

The retired Turkish Admiral Türkar Ertürk recently confirmed that the policies pursued by the head of the Turkish regime involved Turkey in complex and dangerous problems.