The Limited Times

The prosecutor investigates the anti-Semitic proclamation in a neo-fascist act in Madrid

2/16/2021, 9:22:18 PM

The Public Ministry demands reports from the Government Delegation and the Police A priest speaks during the neo-Nazi tribute to the Blue Division last Saturday at the Almudena cemetery.Jesús Hellín / Europa Press The Madrid Provincial Prosecutor's Office will automatically investigate the anti-Semitic proclamations that were produced last Saturday in a tribute to the Blue Division (the military unit sent by Franco to Russia in support of Hitler) held in Madrid. During the eve

A priest speaks during the neo-Nazi tribute to the Blue Division last Saturday at the Almudena cemetery.Jesús Hellín / Europa Press

The Madrid Provincial Prosecutor's Office will automatically investigate the anti-Semitic proclamations that were produced last Saturday in a tribute to the Blue Division (the military unit sent by Franco to Russia in support of Hitler) held in Madrid.

During the event, which was attended by about 300 people, dressed in Nazi and neo-fascist symbols and flags, a young woman stated: “The enemy will always be the same, although with different masks, the Jew.

Because nothing is more certain than this statement: the Jew is the culprit ”.

The public prosecutor believes that these facts may constitute a crime against the exercise of fundamental rights and public freedoms

The Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE), which represents Spanish Jews, asked the Prosecutor's Office to investigate the case, considering "inadmissible that in a state of law and a full democracy these serious accusations remain unpunished."

For her part, Israel's ambassador to Spain, Rodica Radiam Gordon, warned in a tweet that "the anti-Semitic proclamations made at the Madrid tribute to the Blue Division are disgusting and cannot be accommodated in a democratic society."

Also the counselor of Justice of the Community of Madrid, Enrique López, requested that an investigation be opened, after expressing his “maximum condemnation”.

In its document opening the proceedings, the Public Ministry announces the appointment of a prosecutor from the Cyberodio section of the Madrid Provincial Prosecutor's Office, who will practice the evidence "leading to determining, clarifying and specifying the alleged criminal acts" that are included in the published information.

The Office of the Prosecutor asks the Government Delegation of the Community of Madrid to provide all the information at its disposal on the call for the event "and, where appropriate, on the authorization of said march / concentration / demonstration".

In addition, it demands that the Provincial Information Brigade inform it about "the slogans, banners, reviews of slogans, flags displayed, incidents, attendance of violent groups, altercations during the act" and any other action that could constitute a crime. .

In a video broadcast on the La Marea website, a young woman dressed in a Falangist blue shirt is seen releasing a proclamation in which she says: "The enemy will always be the same, although with different masks: the Jew."

And he adds: “Because nothing is more certain than this statement: the Jew is the culprit, the Jew is the culprit and the Blue Division fought for it.

Communism is a Jewish invention to confront the workers ”.

The attendees paid tribute to the Blue Division, made the Nazi salute and sang fascist-themed songs in Madrid.

“The Jew is the culprit.

The enemy will always be the same, ”said one speaker.

Account @ Miquel_Rlhttps: //

- La Marea (@lamarea_com) February 15, 2021

The act, consisting of a march to the La Almudena cemetery, was not prohibited because the conditions of the call met the limitations on the right to assembly imposed due to the pandemic, according to sources from the Government Delegation.

A priest also participated in the event, who compared the current situation with the one that existed in the 1930s.

"As a representative of the Government of Spain, I want to express my utmost condemnation of the intolerable statements made at that concentration, which will be the subject of the corresponding investigation already open at the request of this Government Delegation," said the Government delegate in Madrid, José Manuel Frank.,

The deputy spokesperson for Vox in the Madrid Assembly, Íñigo Méndez de Luna, caused a scandal in the other groups on Tuesday by framing the fascist act in the right to demonstrate.

“If there are some citizens who want to demonstrate to remember the Blue Division, we have nothing to say.

It seems very legitimate to us.

If it is a legal demonstration, they have every right in the world to make it, "he added, without wanting to comment on the anti-Semitic proclamation.

Hours later, the regional president of Vox, Riocío Monasterio, distanced herself from her

number two

with the following tweet;

“The Jewish Community has our full support in denouncing and condemning anti-Semitism.

We hope that justice acts and these hate crimes are punished in a strong way.

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