The Limited Times

Three crew members of the US aircraft carrier (Theodore Roosevelt) were infected with the Corona virus

2/16/2021, 8:49:24 PM

Washington - SANA The US Navy announced that three crew members of the aircraft carrier were injured


The US Navy announced that three crew members of the aircraft carrier "Theodore Roosevelt" were infected with the Corona virus, which last year was a focus of the virus among sailors.

The American newspaper "The Hill" quoted the US Navy as saying in a statement: "Three sailors were detected infected with the virus without showing any symptoms on them, indicating that the infected and those in contact with them are currently subject to quarantine on board the ship."

The Inspector General of the US Department of Defense criticized in a report issued at the beginning of this month the leadership of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt for taking decisions that exacerbated the outbreak of the Corona virus among the ship's crew.

The Corona virus spread widely on board “Theodore Roosevelt” in mid-March last year, and according to official statistics, 856 sailors were infected with the virus, which caused the suspension of the aircraft carrier’s missions and the evacuation of thousands of sailors working on board when the leak of a message sent by the commander of the carrier Brett Crozier to the leadership of the US Navy and warned With regard to the outbreak of the virus and the need to take strict health measures to dismiss him from his work, then the outbreak resumed in mid-October of last year, recording new infections among the sailors working on board.