The Limited Times

Tuen Mun Hospital’s new treatment for gout patients returned to normal after one year after being unable to open their palms

2/16/2021, 11:13:24 PM

During the Lunar New Year, it is a good time for citizens to reunite with their families and share delicious food. However, excessive drinking of high-fructose foods such as soda may cause acute gout. In severe cases, high uric acid will form crystals and evolve.

Social News

Written by: Huang Yingjin

2021-02-17 07:00

Last update date: 2021-02-17 07:00

During the Lunar New Year, it is a good time for citizens to reunite with their families and share delicious food. However, excessive drinking of high-fructose foods such as soda may cause acute gout. In severe cases, high uric acid may form crystals and evolve into terminal gout. .

Mr. Cai has been suffering from gout for 15 years, and his later condition has progressed to terminal gout, requiring surgery to remove uric acid crystals, but none of them can be cured.

Tuen Mun Hospital introduced the "Uric Acid Dissolution x DECT" treatment in 2015, combining new technology to treat patients with terminal gout.

After receiving the treatment with new technology, Mr. Cai followed the doctor's advice. The symptoms of gout have been greatly improved, and 90% of the crystals have been cleared within one year.

Tsai Chi-yiu, consultant orthopedic and traumatologist at Tuen Mun Hospital, said that if acute gout is ignored for a long time, it will eventually develop into chronic calculous gout.

(Photo by Huang Yingjin)

Tsai Chi-yiu, a consultant orthopedic and traumatologist at the Tuen Mun Hospital, pointed out that for every 100 people in developed countries around the world, 3 to 6 people will have gout symptoms, which is a very common problem.

Gout is introduced due to the high saturation point of blood uric acid body temperature in the body. When the saturation point of blood uric acid body temperature is higher than 0.4 millimoles/liter (mmol/l), crystals may appear, and the human immune system will attack the crystals, causing inflammation and pain. , Causing acute gout, if left unattended for a long time, the crystal will become larger and larger, and eventually it will evolve into chronic gout, commonly known as tophi.

95% of urate stones removed after 15 years of gout surgery

The 76-year-old Mr. Cai has been plagued by gout for 15 years. He has also seen visible tophi on the back of his hand. He has consulted private doctors many times, and has undergone surgery and medications, but the results have not been effective.

As of May 2017, he was referred by a private doctor to Tuen Mun Hospital for treatment with the new technology "Uric Acid Dissolution x DECT". By January 2019, he had successfully removed 95% of uric acid stones from his body and returned to his normal life.

Mr. Cai pointed out that before receiving the treatment with the new technology, he developed lumps, protruding finger joints, and pain on the back of his hand. "You can’t even open your palm." After receiving the treatment, not only the lumps and pain on the back of the hand disappeared, but the finger joints returned to normal. Significant.




According to Li An-chi, a consultant radiologist at the Tuen Mun Hospital, most patients with tophus use uric acid dissolution instead of surgery.

The treatment method uses dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) to diagnose patients, providing fast, accurate and non-invasive diagnosis, measuring tophi volume, helping to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, and combining with "uric acid lysis" to reduce blood uric acid. The concentration is controlled at a low level, and 90% uric acid crystals can be dissolved within one year.

Doctor: It is not advisable to consume excessively high fructose foods

During the Lunar New Year, Cai Qiyao emphasized that acute gout is often caused by diet. High-purine foods such as red meat, offal, shellfish, beans, high-fructose foods such as soft drinks, and excessive alcohol may all cause gout.

He reminded the public to eat in moderation and avoid excessive eating, which may cause health problems.

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