The Limited Times

Chloè Zaho, Nomadland director, are outsiders everywhere

2/20/2021, 2:55:27 PM

"I think the word outsider is the key to everything. I feel like an outsider wherever I go and I believe that this made me naturally identify with the characters of NOMADLAND. (ANSA)

(by Francesco Gallo) (ANSA) - ROME, FEBRUARY 20 - "I think the word outsider is the key to everything. I feel like an outsider wherever I go and I believe that this made me naturally identify with the characters of NOMADLAND. If I lived in the United Kingdom or in China, I will be attracted by those on the fringes of those companies ".

Thus, in remote connection Chloé Zhao, director of that NOMADLAND that after the Golden Lion in Venice is preparing to break the 78th edition of the Golden Globe with 4 nominations and is among the favorites for the Oscar race.

   Zhao, born in Beijing in 1982 and singer of the marginalized protagonists of her other two feature films, Songs MyBrothers Taught Me and The Rider - A cowboy's dream, with NOMADLAND adapted the homonymous book by journalist JessicaBruder which tells the story of a woman 'nomad' who crosses the United States in his van, played by Frances McDormand.

A widow who began to migrate cometants to the States, from one side of the country to the other through the most varied means of transport, between a precarious job and another: in short, the 'new poor', generally elderly and hopeless.

    "I think the issue of caring for the elderly is a real problem in the States as in all capitalist societies.

   It's even worse for women.

There is sexism in the workplace and then they are paid less than men and consequently their social security is very low. "

   Finally, here is an illuminating quote, taken from Edward Abbey's DesertSolitaire, and which for Chloé Zaho summarizes NOMADLAND (from today at the same time in the US streaming on Hulu and in the open cinemas, while in Italy the reopening of the theaters is expected) and his own philosophy of life: "Men come and go, cities are born and die, entire civilizations disappear;

the earth remains, only slightly modified.

There remain the land and the beauty that tears the heart, where there are no hearts to tore.

Sometimes I think, certainly in a perverse way, that man is a dream, thought an illusion, and only the rock is real.

The rock and the sun ". (ANSA).