The Limited Times

From Lavia to Puccini, "we shed light on the theater"

2/20/2021, 2:25:21 PM

Italian theaters light up. With the curtains closed for more than 100 days straight, for one evening they return to be seen, in the name of the thousands of artists, technicians and workers without work and with seasons blocked for a year. (HANDLE)

(by Daniela Giammusso) (ANSA) - ROME, FEBRUARY 20 - Italian theaters light up.

Asipari closed for more than 100 days straight, for an evening they return to be seen, in the name of the thousands of artists, technicians and workers without work and with seasons blocked for a year.

It is "Let's light up the theater", an initiative launched by U.nita - National Union of Theater and Audiovisual Interpreters on Monday 22 February, one year after the first patchy closing of the curtains due to a pandemic, to which small and large, public and private stages are joining .

   The invitation is to light and keep the buildings open from 19.30 to 21.30.

To artists, workers and the public to organize principals, in safety, so that "these places symbolically return to being what they have always been for 2500 years: open squares on the city, psychic engines of the life of a community".

   "Workers and show business workers, historically poorly protected, are among those who have suffered most from the devastating effects of the pandemic at work", explains on social networks the president of Unita, Vittoria Puccini.

"The news of the blocking of the new Ristori decree", he says, is just yet another macabre on workers "who will find themselves from moment to moment without any form of support".

"There is great sadness", relaunches Gabriele Lavia, one of the protagonists of the evening.

"The theater, also intended as a physical place - says ValterMalosti, actor, director and director of the TPE - must return to having a social function within the city. It must recover its role of service to the community. Return to being an agora".

   In the meantime, the numbers tell of an absolute debacle: according to lestime Agis, for the prose theater alone, over 142 million went up in smoke at the box office in 2020, compared to 2019, or 72% less revenue.

It is no better for opera, which loses almost 79 million (-74%) and dance with almost 26 million less (-78%).

And then, for one evening, we return to "encounter" that essential and indispensable part of each show, without which the theater simply is not: the public.