The Limited Times

In Italy 500 thousand invisible outside the vaccine plan

2/20/2021, 4:13:15 PM

Letter from the associations that adhere to the Immigration and Health Table (Tis) to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and to the Undersecretary Sandra Zampa so that national indications are issued defining the modalities of inclusion in the Vacanc ... (ANSA)

 Letter from the associations that adhere to the Immigration and Health Table (Tis) to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and to the Undersecretary Sandra Zampa so that national indications are issued defining the methods of inclusion in the National Vaccination Plan of 500 thousand 'invisible' people living in Italy and for which there is currently no Covid vaccination access program.

    These are people living in informal settlements, homeless including the migrant population, asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons, people housed in emergency collective structures, part of the Roma and Sinti population.

    Caritas, Emergency, Doctors Without Borders, Association of Legal Studies Immigration (Asgi), Italian Society of Migration Medicine (Simm), Border Health in the letter underline the need to establish the procedure that allows vaccination to those who are on the national territory while not having documents such as health card, identity card, tax code providing for administrative 'flexibility', "as indicated by AIFA, possibly also mediated by local authorities or by associations and third sector organizations".

    "The highly critical housing conditions in which people often live in informal settlements, the homeless, illegal aliens or those outside the reception system for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, represent in themselves a socio-health risk factor ", the associations write.

    "The right to the vaccine exists, but it is not practicable", explains Marco Paggi, a lawyer from Asgi, "having identified in the family doctor the means for accessing the vaccine risks becoming an insurmountable obstacle for this particular group of population. Unless in each ASL a doctor of reference is identified for these people ".


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