The Limited Times

Mattarella, preserve our health system and invest

2/20/2021, 12:19:26 PM

This is the message sent by the head of state to the President of the National Federation of the Orders of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Anelli on the first National Day of health personnel (ANSA)


Our national health system

, despite its many difficulties,

is facing an unprecedented test and proves more than ever a heritage to be preserved and invested in

, to protect the entire community. For these reasons I address, on behalf of all the Italians,

a grateful greeting to all the health personnel and I express my heartfelt closeness to the relatives of the fallen for the protection of the health of all of us


This is the message sent by Sergio Mattarella, to the President of the National Federation of the Orders of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Anelli on the first National Day of health personnel.

In the message of Sergio Mattarella, to the President of the National Federation of the Orders of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Anelli on the first National Day of health, social and health, social welfare and volunteer personnel, the Head of State affirms that this is "an important opportunity to renew the the country's deepest gratitude to all those who, with professionalism and self-denial, found themselves, and still find themselves, at the forefront of dealing with the pandemic emergency which, just over a year after its appearance, still afflicts us ".

"Since the beginning of the spread of the virus, health personnel have been able to live up to such a far-reaching threat, doing their best, with all the tools at their disposal, in order to prevent the epidemic from precipitating into a catastrophe. irreversible. It was a commitment marked by difficulties and suffering: many operators have contracted the virus and many are the victims that we had to cry among doctors and nurses. This day should be dedicated especially to them ", reads the message. 

"The prolongation of the pandemic produces dramatic consequences, marking our communities with pain and grief and triggering a serious economic and social crisis. Ancient imbalances have increased, new fractures have arisen. Courage action is needed to mend what is has been torn apart and to renew what is useful for building a better tomorrow ", said the President of the Republic

Sergio Mattarella in a message to the National President of the Italian Christian Workers' Associations (ACLI) on the occasion of the congress


"Together with the institutions, all the intermediate bodies and the third sector, an expression of civil society, are called to participate in the challenge of a real rebirth, which places the dignity of the person and the affirmation of equality of rights and opportunities at the center of the initiatives, as the Republican Constitution dictates. To ensure prospects of a positive future for the younger generations ", says the Head of State.

"In this difficult time, faced with the emergencies caused by the pandemic, their commitment to civic education is a reason for appreciation, to strengthen networks of solidarity, to broaden democratic participation, to reduce social inequalities", says Mattarella. in the message to the Acli.

"In the difficulties we have rediscovered the resilience of our people, the sense of duty of many, solidarity and voluntary voluntary action in favor of those most in need, the value of associative networks", underlines the Head of State.