The Limited Times

Mystery unveiled: it was known who is the author of the sculpture that appeared in Mar del Plata

2/20/2021, 6:13:26 PM

The work, which became a point of attraction for the city, was carried out 25 years ago. Guillermo Villarreal 02/20/2021 2:22 PM Clarí Society Updated 02/20/2021 2:23 PM After the confusion, dozens of hypotheses arose: who made it, how did they get it there, did someone see something, what does it represent? And later, when hundreds of tourists went down to the Playa Chica catwalk to admire it, its mystery went viral, with discussion on the networks about what to do with it, if

Guillermo Villarreal

02/20/2021 2:22 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 02/20/2021 2:23 PM

After the confusion, dozens of hypotheses arose: who made it, how did they get it there, did someone see something, what does it represent?

And later, when hundreds of tourists went down to the Playa Chica catwalk to admire it, its mystery went viral, with discussion on the networks about what to do with it, if from the discovery the area could become a corridor for that other artists assemble their creations, or if it should be removed, the enigma about who was the author of the work, finally,

was revealed


Mario Magrini

, surgeon and plastic artist, son of Norma Fuloni and Luis Magrini, founders of the Guardia del Mar, is the author.

"It never had a name, today it can have many, at that time I did not think it would last", said the artist about his work, which he sculpted

25 years ago


"It is part of a stage of my life, of a moment, of a very difficult situation, not only mine, of a whole family. It does not seem to me that it is important at this moment, it was at the time. It does not represent any one person, has the shape of a woman, represents more the feeling of a group of people, of a family that was going through a difficult time, it

is an emotion that has the shape of a woman


Magrini was presented at a press conference in the Villa Victoria garden, together with the Secretary of Culture, Carlos Balmaceda and Costanza Adiecchi, director of the Restoration of Historical Monuments.

The play had appeared on Sunday.

That morning, the photographer Marcela Persello posted on her Instagram: "And one foggy day this beautiful sculpture appeared in Mdq", with a series of images of the mysterious figure, which represents a young woman with her

gaze lost in the sea

, sitting and with one of his arms around her legs.

Shortly after, the enigma of his presence added to the harmony that he transmits, generated a viral phenomenon: instantly, images of

selfies with the sculpture in the background

began to circulate on the networks

, and from there, the hypotheses.

The artistic piece is located on the lower promenade that goes from Playa Chica to Playa Grande, on a rock in the ravine.

And that walk soon became an obligatory one during what was — because of the numbers, not because of the weather — the best weekend of the season, Carnival.

Little more than

180 thousand tourists

visited the city


The tone of the cement with which it was adhered to the stone suggested that the sculpture had only been there for a few days.

Then, between so much visit and selfie on the ravine, someone damaged part of the work.

On Thursday afternoon, one of the feet of the cement sculpture was inadvertently damaged.

It was quickly repaired, a job that was carried out by Costanza Adiecchi.

Later, the municipal authorities put personnel from the Urban Control area to

guard the artistic work

The author explained that from "the crazy and transgressive idea" of an architect friend, the idea arose of

breaking into the public space

to find out what the public's response would be, and that during the week it was mixed with the public that was going to know. 

"It began to symbolize love, heartbreak, sadness, hope, symbols, memories and tributes. Each one received a different message, the one they wanted or the one they expected, and that is wonderful. That is pure emotion that is manifested in so many people at the time and in a different way. If that is not the main objective of an artistic work, what is it? Thank God, objective accomplished ", pointed out Magrini.

Mar del Plata.



Look also

The mystery of the lady from Playa Chica

A mysterious statue appeared on a beach in Mar del Plata and now they are looking for the artist