The Limited Times

VIDEO. Cold wave: in Texas, endless queues for water supplies

2/20/2021, 1:40:50 PM

Faced with water cuts linked to pipes ruptured by frost, in the United States, the inhabitants of Texas are trying as best they can to

In Texas, several million people face a water shortage as the polar cold snap continues in the United States.

Unaccustomed to such low temperatures, the American state has seen its pipes explode under the effect of frost, causing water cuts.

Electricity has been restored to most of the territory.

In the cities, the authorities are getting organized to supply Texans with drinking water.

The parking lot of a football stadium thus accommodates an emergency water distribution center in Houston.

But residents are sometimes forced to wait many hours before they can help themselves.

In front of supermarkets or park taps, Texans, armed with water cans, crowd into ever-longer queues.

Residents are advised to boil water before using it.


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Solidarity is also being organized.

James McIngvale has transformed his furniture store into a refuge and welcomes the victims of Houston.

"The lights went out, the water was turned off, so we opened our doors and helped people because they were cold, miserable and cold and had no electricity or water," says the manager.

According to media reports, thirty people have frozen to death since the start of the winter storm.

The situation should improve and temperatures will rise again during the weekend, meteorologists say.

The state of natural disaster will be recognized shortly, announced Friday (February 19) the President of the United States, Joe Biden, which will make it possible to release additional financial aid.