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Coronavirus in the Conni children's book series: Conni and the lateral thinkers

2/20/2021, 10:43:21 PM

In the latest issue of Conni, the coronavirus is portrayed as contagious and deadly. Protest comes promptly from the reactionary fringe. We are talking about indoctrination of the smallest.

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Children's book heroine Conni: Streamlined seriality before the evening


A practical part of paranoid "lateral thinking" is apparently to find new food around every corner for one's own readiness to get excited.

Anyone who is irritated anyway likes to be irritated.

And whoever suspects conspiracies everywhere sees conspirators everywhere.

Now, because innocence is particularly suspicious, it has finally caught innocence with Conni Klawitter.

Conni, Conni with the red bow in her hair, exactly this Conni is five, after over a quarter of a century also fifteen years old due to circumstances, and "just wonderful".

Of course she is "also good at school", which she limits herself with sympathetic modesty: "Well, at least mostly."

Under intensified ideological observation

The latest issue ("Conni makes courage") is about the pandemic, which was circulated with an initial print run of 20,000 copies.

In the booklet, the child explains the illness, telephones the grandparents, misses his friends - and thus, from the point of view of the deniers, engages in a “perfidious manipulation” of the youngest, hence “state propaganda”.

Not only is the fact that the virus, unlike in the “Ärzteblatt” or studies by the Max Planck Institute, is portrayed “unrealistically” in children's books is criticized.

Even more negligently, the pandemic is actually described to the offspring as a contagious, fatal disease.

If that isn't indoctrination by dark forces, what is it?

At least that is what it says in outraged reviews on Amazon, and that is how a dumb Youtuber must have been angry.

As always, his anger was widely spread in the relevant forums - with the usual escalation up to "threatening letters" or "death threats".

The Carlsen-Verlag, which also publishes the relevant Pixi books, does not want to confirm their existence, which has often been rumored, on request.

Here you prefer to keep the ball flat.

Photo: Julia Donaldson / Axel Scheffler / Macmillan Children's Books

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Literary or journalistic explanations of the world from “Logo” to “Pipi Longstocking” are currently under increasing ideological observation.

After all, it is “about the children” and thus the future - even if these children are often only ciphers or straw dolls for ideological claims from right and left.

From the right-drunk side there has rarely been a reason to complain about Conni.

The life model propagated here is so conservative that it crunches.

Mother and father are set, the division of roles between the sexes is conventional.

In this world it is already considered progressive that a girl can kick a soccer ball.

Worldwide success

Curiously, the streamlined eve serialism of the little potato has contributed to its global success - with the usual diversification of the product.

They are available as dolls, picture books, radio plays, cartoons, musicals, movies (Emma Schweiger) - the only thing missing is "Conni on Ice".

Annette Klawitter, the mother, is "patient and tidy" and takes care of the children, also professionally.

As a pediatrician, she is a licensed child caretaker, and she can cook great too.

Father Jürgen, on the other hand, often sits in the office for a long time, he is of course an engineer and structural engineer, knows a lot about numbers and at most makes pasta in the kitchen.

Reading parents, on the other hand, can drive the homogeneous flawlessness of this candy-blonde world into madness, or alternatively into depression.

Conni herself corresponds to the ideal of the well-off daughter, who does not cause any worries for her ideal parents, with whom she lives in an ideal single-family house with a garden.

In principle, these parents only consist of smiling understanding and are an image of their grandparents, just as Conni and her little brother Jakob will one day be images of their parents.

Even her tomcat Mau can say his name: "Mau".

No fatigue, no stress, no excessive demands

Harmlessness and dullness are closely related, and the repeated reading of the same little stories (Conni experiences something new and masters it with flying colors) puts even the most daring to a severe test.

Not the authors, but the fictional character has many mothers wished for the worst imaginable for the neck - for example a 4 in mathematics.

Conni learns to bake and meets friends, goes camping or to the doctor, goes to kindergarten or gets into trouble (and gets out of there quickly).

Their willingness to be always ready makes them very popular: "Of course, folks, I'll be there!"

There is no fatigue, no stress, no excessive demands and, by the way, no financial worries far and wide.

It goes to the riding stables and vacation to Crete.

This ideal world may offer children an orientation, give them a rough direction.

There it should go with the magnificent development!

Reading parents, on the other hand, can drive the homogeneous flawlessness of this candy-blonde world into madness, or alternatively into depression.


Title: LESEMAUS 186: Conni gives courage in times of Corona: A Conni story with child-friendly knowledge about the subject of Corona (186)

Editor: Carlsen

Number of pages: 24

Author: Schneider, Liane

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February 20, 2021 11:39 pm

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Conni is a normality machine.

And the norm it produces is an arch-bourgeois one in which there is no anarchy and diversity only in homeopathic doses.

There is no such thing as evil, the highest is stupid, and stupid children stick their tongues out to Conni and are as stupid as their parents, it's in the family.

The virus did not enter the series until 2020 - and promptly aroused protests on a reactionary fringe, which normally does not mind the norm.

He sets this norm and is usually very happy to comply with it.

All the more fascinating how seriously Conni is taken by her »critics«.

In any case, children are quite capable of abstracting from the fictional character and making an illuminating comparison with their own living environment.

While parents are still rolling their eyes, their readers have long been making fun of the little geek with the bow in her hair.

Well, most of the time.

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