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The law that will allow the transfer of information about vaccinators was approved on first reading - Walla! news

2/22/2021, 12:13:27 PM

The plenum approved the proposal, which would allow the director general of the Ministry of Health to pass on identifying information about vaccinators and those who have not yet been vaccinated to local authorities and the Ministry of Education.

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The law that will allow the transfer of information on vaccinators was approved on first reading

The plenum approved the proposal, which would allow the director general of the Ministry of Health to pass on identifying information about vaccinators and those who have not yet been vaccinated to local authorities and the Ministry of Education.


  • Vaccine for corona

  • Corona virus

Yaki Adamkar

Monday, 22 February 2021, 13:40

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In the video: Gyms, pools and cultural events opened for the vaccinated as part of the green label (Photo: Reuters)

The Knesset plenum today (Monday) approved in first reading the bill to amend the Public Health Ordinance (providing information on vaccinators) by a majority of 21 supporters against six opponents.

The proposal will be forwarded to the Welfare and Health Committee for its preparation for a second and third reading.

The bill is intended to anchor an arrangement that will allow the director general of the Ministry of Health to pass on identifying information and contact details about vaccinators and those who have not yet been vaccinated, or partially vaccinated, to relevant parties who will request the information. Offered as a temporary instruction for three months.

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The law formulated by the Ministry of Health: Details of vaccinators will be passed on to local authorities and the Ministry of Education

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The Director General of the Ministry of Health will be allowed to provide identifying information and contact details. Vaccines in Petah Tikva (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The explanatory memorandum states that "these are factors that can help the Ministry of Health encourage people to get vaccinated, for example by contacting the cause of the non-vaccination, or offering assistance services at the vaccination site, all according to the director general's instructions. Use of the powers of the local authority or the Ministry of Education on the person seeking to be vaccinated.

It is also proposed to authorize the Director General to require medical institutions and public bodies identifying information and contact details of people who have been vaccinated or may be vaccinated. Obtain, and issue to vaccinators vaccinator certificates.

Attacked the decision not to extend the isolation obligation for returnees from abroad. Kish, today (Photo: official website, Danny Shem Tov, Knesset Spokeswoman)

Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kish presented the proposal, then attacked the decision of the Constitution Committee not to extend the declaration of isolation in hotels that will expire tonight at midnight.

“Home insulation for returnees from abroad is not effective enough.

We find too many violations.

Everyone is clear about the fear of introducing different variants and the decision to cancel the hotels is to open a gate for variants.

It is a wrong and very dangerous decision for public health. "

Kish clarified that he supports the possibility of a digital bracelet as an alternative to isolation, subject to legislation.

Let’s lead quick legislation within a week of a house bracelet for anyone who came out with a negative answer in a motel.

Any other solution could cause an even bigger problem. "

"The only barrier to full immunization is the loss of public trust"

MK Aida Toma Suleiman (joint list) said that “encouraging the public to get vaccinated is appropriate, but the call should be positive and not negative, encouraging and not threatening.

Instead of using dictatorial tools, the government should promote matter-of-fact and clear decisions.

The only barrier to full immunization is the loss of public trust. "

MK Tehla Friedman (blue and white) said that" my girl has been at home for a year and she is going out, it ends in front of my eyes, and there was not a single discussion about it. This is not a mistake, this is a policy. We are not allowed to convene the Education Committee for long weeks, because it is much more convenient to make decisions when no one is supervising you. "

According to MK Tamar Zandberg (Meretz), “The students I taught at the mall could walk around in groups at the mall but study could not?

I call on everyone to adhere to the guidelines and get vaccinated, even within the framework of the guidelines, the education system is failing and it is worth noting zero for a year of zero coping. "

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