The Limited Times

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The international community must oblige the occupation to stop its crimes against the Palestinians

2/22/2021, 11:25:28 AM

Occupied Jerusalem-SANA The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has renewed its call on the international community to give up the policy of doom

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed its call on the international community to abandon the policy of double standards and double standards, and to oblige the Israeli occupation to stop its ongoing crimes against the Palestinians.

In a statement carried by the Wafa Agency, the Foreign Ministry condemned the crimes of the occupation forces and their settlers against the Palestinian people, their land, sanctities and properties, noting that they are escalating on a daily basis in full view of the world in flagrant violation of international law and international legitimacy decisions.

The Foreign Ministry pointed out that the latest of these crimes is the storming of the occupation forces and settlers this morning Khirbet Samra, Makhoul and Humsa al-Fawqa in the northern Jordan Valley, demolishing Palestinian tents, seizing areas of their lands, demolishing four homes in Issawiya in occupied Jerusalem, and cutting more than 70 olive trees in the village of Al-Walaja in Bethlehem. Executing his colonial expansion plans in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The Foreign Ministry indicated that these crimes and violations require the International Criminal Court to immediately announce the opening of an official investigation into the crimes of the occupation and its settlers against the Palestinians and hold those responsible accountable.

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