The Limited Times

The situation in the morning - will the vaccination sequence be changed?

2/22/2021, 4:58:32 AM

Countries want to give preference to employees in daycare centers and schools when it comes to vaccinations. New EU sanctions against Russia? And: The vaccination miracle in Israel. That is the situation on Monday.

Today it is about the earlier vaccination for teachers, the planned EU sanctions against Russia - and the vaccination miracle in Israel.

Will the vaccination sequence be changed?

If you believe the experts and common sense, then the next corona wave is rolling towards Germany.

At the same time,

daycare centers


elementary schools will be


again in ten other federal states


One can imagine that none of this really fits together.

But the principle of hope rules in these countries.

Once again.

What does not fit is made to fit: In order to secure the opening of the schools,

Health Minister

Jens Spahn


and the health ministers of the federal states

want to

discuss a change in the vaccination sequence in a switching conference.

The plan is for employees in daycare centers and primary schools to move up in the sequence of vaccinations.

You could be vaccinated as early as March instead of in summer.

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Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU)

Photo: Andreas Gora / POOL / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock

That would of course be good because it protects the educators.

But: The problem that the children may bring the virus with them to mom, dad and other relatives after school cannot be solved this way.

In addition, if the order was changed, other groups would have to wait longer.

So-called Corona Cabinet is also meeting today on the subject of Covid-19.

Among other things, it concerns the plans of the federal government to provide free rapid tests.

Health Minister Spahn had promised that these should be introduced across the board from March 1st.

Perhaps today we can learn more about how that should work in practice.

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Vaccination miracle in Israel

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shows the new Green Passport on a mobile phone

Photo: Tal Shahar / imago images / UPI Photo

Israel is known to be the leader in vaccination, in two weeks, according to government figures, 95 percent of citizens over the age of 50 will be vaccinated.

The government has therefore now introduced relief for people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus or have recovered from illness.

You will receive a so-called

Green Pass


This is to enable them


to visit hotels, theaters or gyms.

At the same time there are new data evaluations from the country.

These have shown that the risk of a serious disease course after two doses of the vaccine from

Pfizer / Biontech is reduced

by 95.8 percent.

The vaccine also apparently largely prevents the transmission of the coronavirus.

He was to be

89.4 percent effective

in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections, it is said to SPIEGEL information in a study of manufacturers in cooperation with the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Incidentally, all of this naturally also has a political dimension: in a few weeks, on March 23, there will be elections in Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

actually seemed to have already signed off because he is involved in various scandals.

Now, because of the success of his government in the fight against Covid-19, he can possibly hope for a success in the election.

The tide can turn that quickly.

  • Study data from Israel: Biontech vaccine stops virus transmission by 89.4 percent

New sanctions against Russia

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Wladimir Putin

Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev / dpa

Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to meet his Belarusian colleague Alexander Lukashenko today.

The two leading European experts on the imprisonment of critics and the unrestrained use of the baton against peaceful demonstrators want to exchange ideas on »energy issues«, among other things.

The meeting is planned in the holiday resort of Sochi, where Putin says he does not own a palace under any circumstances.

Meanwhile, in Brussels, the EU foreign ministers are discussing new sanctions against Russia.

The reason for this is the arrest of the Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny and the brutal action taken by the Russian security forces against his supporters.

It is expected that the ministers will first take a political decision in principle on the sanctions.

How the measures should look in practice will probably only be decided at a later date.

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Loser of the day ...

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The burning United Boeing 777 plane landed in Denver after an emergency call

Photo: Hayden Smith / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock

... is the US

airline United Airlines.

After the engine of a United Boeing 777-200 aircraft took off from Denver, Colorado, caught fire at the weekend, the company will now leave all of its aircraft of this type with the same engine on the ground for the time being.

This means further trouble for the company after the economic turbulence as a result of the corona crisis - and damage to its image.

Unfortunate luck for United: According to the radio protocols, the pilots reacted relatively cool and landed the plane safely in Denver.

And: the machine was on its way to Hawaii.

If the incident had only occurred on the route between the mainland and the archipelago in the Pacific, it might not have turned out so lightly.

The jets fly over the open sea for more than five hours on this route.

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I wish you a good start to the day.

Your Roland Nelles

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