The Limited Times

Surfer seriously injured ... and saved thanks to his message on the sand

2/23/2021, 10:34:16 AM

LE SCAN SPORT - Seriously injured in the leg after a surf session, Ben Searancke found himself trapped on a hard-to-reach beach. He then wrote "HELP" on the sand and was saved.

Rescued thanks to a message written on the sand.

Ben Searancke, an amateur New Zealand surfer probably owes his life to his “HELP” traced on the sand.

He had decided a few days ago to go surfing in a rather inaccessible “spot”, near Auckland, the country's big city.

Once in the water, the waves play a terrible trick on Ben and propel him into the rocks.

His leg is badly affected.

At first, he tries to climb the cliffs to regain the mainland.

After two hours of struggle, he decides to stay on the beach and has the good reflex to register a giant “HELP” on the sand.

Fortunately for him, Vanessa Ingraham and Dace Kalnina, two hikers who were walking near the beach, saw the injured person's inscription and were able to notify the emergency services.

Rescuers then took Ben Searancke to Piha hospital, where he was treated.

On his Instagram account, the father of a five-day-old daughter "thanks his wives for giving him a reason" and his parents for "teaching him to fight".

See this post on Instagram

A post shared by Ben Searancke (@bensearancke)

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