The Limited Times

Sussman suffers a tear in the lateral ligament, will be absent for at least a month Israel today

2/23/2021, 7:25:39 AM

The young guard, who was injured in the game against Nahariya, is sitting off the pitches for a period of four to six weeks. Israeli basketball

The young guard, who was injured yesterday in the game against Nahariya, is sitting off the pitches for a period of four to six weeks.

  • Yuval Sussman, yesterday before the injury.

    Bad luck


    Oded Karni

1. A blow to Maccabi Tel Aviv: Yuval Sussman is suffering from a tear in the lateral ligament in his knee and will be absent from the pitches for the next 4-6 weeks.

The young guard was injured yesterday (Monday) in the Yellows' 63: 107 victory over Nahariya and quickly rushed to the hospital and underwent an MRI examination during the night.

This means that the player will miss all the upcoming games in the Euroleague that will determine whether Maccabi Tel Aviv will qualify for the quarterfinals.

Meanwhile, the team were happy to have the fans returning to the pitches after almost a year and guard Chris Jones who excelled for a third game in a row said: "It was great, they gave extra energy and I'm sure it will help us in the long run. It gives motivation, scoring and hearing no encouragement Only from the teammates, it's great. "

On improving his ability he added: "I play with more pride on the defensive side. My defense makes my game easier on offense and helps my teammates. I work a lot with the team and concentrate more on the mental side of the game. I had time to think and concentrate on my defensive game."

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