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The Knesset discusses the law for the transfer of information about vaccinators: "The Ministry of Health has exhausted its capabilities" - Walla! news

2/23/2021, 8:37:27 AM

The Labor, Welfare and Health Committee is convening around a proposal designed to encourage the public to get vaccinated, which passed first reading yesterday. As part of this, the Ministry of Health will be able to transfer identifying details of residents to municipalities, which will include the name and ID card of vaccinators, and in the case of non-vaccinators also an address and telephone number.

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  • Vaccine for corona

The Knesset discusses the law for the transfer of information on vaccinators: "The Ministry of Health has exhausted its capabilities"

The Labor, Welfare and Health Committee is convening around a proposal designed to encourage the public to get vaccinated, which passed first reading yesterday.

As part of this, the Ministry of Health will be able to transfer identifying details of residents to municipalities, which will include the name and ID card of vaccinators, and in the case of non-vaccinators also an address and telephone number.


  • Vaccine for corona

  • Ministry of Health

Meirav Cohen

Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 10:22

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Live broadcast from the committee discussion

The Labor, Welfare and Health Committee, chaired by MK Haim Katz (Likud), discussed this morning (Monday) a government bill that will allow the transfer of information about vaccinators to the authorities in order to encourage the public to get vaccinated. The bill will also include an address and telephone number. It will also be decided who will pass the information and after how long it will be deleted from local authority databases.

The bill is intended to anchor an arrangement that will allow the director general of the Ministry of Health to pass identifying information Relevant who will request the information.

At this stage - only local authorities in relation to their residents, and the Ministry of Education in relation to education staff.

The arrangement is offered as a temporary order for three months.

These factors will assist the Ministry of Health in promoting the vaccination campaign, among other things through a personal request to clarify the reasons for non-vaccination, removal of various barriers, assistance in accessing the information or the vaccine itself.

In legal advice, they explained to the government and the Ministry of Health that the decision should go through primary legislation because it is not information with medical confidentiality, and the Knesset plenum approved it yesterday in the first reading.

More on Walla!


The law formulated by the Ministry of Health: Details of vaccinators will be passed on to local authorities and the Ministry of Education

To the full article

Vaccine compound in Rosh HaAyin (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The Association of Public Health Physicians opposed the transfer of information to the authorities.

"Legislation will cause short-term and long-term damage to the local authority itself. It will cause a breach of trust when the benefit is limited and questionable," they said in response.

"There is a 'slippery slope' here that we, who work day and night in promoting public health, are aware of and recognize its dangers. If the transfer of medical information is justified to encourage vaccination, why not provide information about a person's weight or smoking habits, Other?".

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