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The Rebbe to the Rosh Yeshiva: The Yeshiva holds you, and not the other way around - Walla! Judaism

2/23/2021, 12:17:03 PM

Rabbi Josiah Pinto explained the great test before charity collectors, who are required to differentiate between the funds collected for their private property, with the help of a meeting that took place years ago.

  • Judaism

  • Life itself

The Rebbe to the Rosh Yeshiva: The yeshiva holds you, and not the other way around

Rabbi Josiah Pinto explained the great test before charity collectors, who are required to differentiate between the funds collected for their private property, with the help of a meeting that took place years ago.


  • Rabbi Pinto

  • Return of Israel

David Berger, in collaboration with Shuva Israel

Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 13:55

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The Gabay of Charity has a complex task (Photo: ShutterStock)

The charity collectors deserve much praise.

They help the needy and those whose voices are not heard.

However, their experience is very large.

A lot of money is in their possession and they are strictly prohibited from mixing charity money with their own money, and from mixing personal and improper interests.

Rabbi of Morocco, the Admor Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto shlita, warned about the matter: "Here are people who are entrusted with many needs and involve their lives with charity, and for heaven's sake intervene with not for heaven's sake, it is caused that a person who gives charity will not be finished, Then evil is brought on the rule.

Because justification is not given for heaven's sake.

And even an altar, God asks that atonement be brought upon it, that there be no fear of robbery on the altar. "

Rabbi Pinto instructs the Gabay of Charity how to behave: "Therefore even a person who deals with public needs and earns a living from the rule, will be organized in Torah opinion what is allowed and what is his according to law, and what he is not allowed to touch, because he can bring destruction on himself and the world."

He brought a great element and illustrated it by a story that happened to him: "And the person should know that the Torah does not work for him, but he works for the Torah. And we remember years ago, a Rosh Yeshiva came to us and asked him what you do, and told us a yeshiva holder. "Holding a seat." The seat holds you, the closet carries its subjects. "

"And we have already said that the honor of dealing with the public is immense, and must stand in his honor and respect and cherish, because public needs are extremely difficult, and for dealing with the public the place will pay the wages of those dealing with the public, because only Gd knows how many days and nights those dealing with the public strive," the Rebbe said. To finish.

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