The Limited Times

Abuse affair around swimming national coach: DSV releases sports director Thomas Kurschilgen

2/23/2021, 11:58:22 PM

After allegations of sexual violence in open water swimming, ex-national coach Stefan Lurz is investigated. Now the DSV sports director has been released - according to SPIEGEL information, he knew about the allegations.

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Thomas Kurschilgen

Photo: Tilo Wiedensohler / imago images / Camera 4

The sports director of the German Swimming Association (DSV), Thomas Kurschilgen, was released on Tuesday, according to SPIEGEL information.

A spokesman did not want to comment on request because the proceedings were pending.

The "Bild" newspaper reported on it first.

The background to the exemption is apparently an email that a swimmer wrote to Kurschilgen in March 2019.

In it, she described in detail to the sports director how open water national trainer Stefan Lurz was said to have forced a glass of ouzo on her at home, reached under her T-shirt and snogged her.

Equally explosive: She also described four other suspected cases to Kurschilgen and named names of swimmers.

But apparently the sports director did not follow up the clues decisively enough.

Lurz stayed in office.

The DSV left specific questions from SPIEGEL about the email unanswered last week.

But he wants to make "the greatest possible effort" to get an idea, according to the association.

In its current issue, SPIEGEL reported on allegations of sexual violence against national swimming coach Lurz.

Accordingly, he is said to have coerced and harassed female athletes for years.

The allegations are sexual assault, psychological manipulation and bullying.

Lurz denies the allegations.

(Read more about the allegations in SPIEGEL).

Alleged sexual abuse of wards

Although there were many indications, he was allowed to go on for a long time.

Only after a SPIEGEL inquiry about the allegations was Lurz given "leave of absence until further notice" by the association.

On Friday, the national coach announced his resignation from his position, as announced by the DSV.

Meanwhile, the Würzburg public prosecutor's office is investigating Lurz on charges of sexual abuse of wards.

The proceedings were initiated ex officio after the SPIEGEL report, said Chief Public Prosecutor Thorsten Seebach, "for us these are new allegations."

The public prosecutor's office had already investigated the now 43-year-old in 2010 on suspicion of rape and sexual abuse of wards.

Lurz denied the allegations.

At that time, however, the proceedings were discontinued against payment, said Seebach, who only spoke of Stefan L.

Before that, there was a private offender-victim compensation.

Another case against the trainer on leave due to insult and sexual coercion was discontinued in 2019 due to the statute of limitations.

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