The Limited Times

A 51-year-old priest said he 'skipped the line' to get vaccinated for his pastoral work

2/24/2021, 8:49:23 PM

It was admitted by the parish priest of a church in Ezeiza. He was vaccinated against Covid in January when the immunization campaign was just starting.

02/24/2021 17:37

  • Clarí

  • Zonal

Updated 02/24/2021 5:37 PM

The scandal of the

VIP vaccinated

against the coronavirus continues to generate news.

Some of them, between striking and unusual, and all under a common denominator: the urgency to apply the



expressed by some privileged people left far behind the doubts about the effectiveness that at some point the products of some laboratories generated.

The protagonist, now, was a priest, parish priest of a church in


, who acknowledged that he

“skipped the line

” to receive the Sputnik V vaccine when the first doses were just being distributed and applied and were restricted to health personnel.

"In January 2021 I was vaccinated

at the Ezeiza Hospital

, which allowed me to continue with my task and avoid the people I had to help with the risk of the disease," acknowledged Father Gabriel Coon through a official statement published on the Facebook of the Nuestra Señora del Valle parish, of which it is in charge.

"I did not believe nor believe I have occupied the place of anyone, I continue accompanying and helping our health teams in the area, in order to spiritually help all the sick and needy," said the priest, beyond that at the time who was vaccinated, the doses in the Province of Buenos Aires were reserved for personnel who work in the front line of the health system.

Even now, with the mass vaccination that also includes security agents, teachers and older adults,

Coon, 51,

would not be part of the groups assigned to apply the vaccine.

However, unlike what happened with other vaccinated VIPs, the publication of the religious 

was not received with criticism or indignation

, but with signs of support in the comments of the followers of the parish social network.

In Ezeiza, the mass vaccination started last week at School No. 502.

Until the moment in which Coon recognized what happened, no other priest had admitted to having received the immunization outside the order pre-established by the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires.

In his message, the priest clarifies that he is not linked to

any group or political force

, and insists that the need to be immunized against Covid 19 has to do with his pastoral activity within the Antranik Eurnekian Hospital, in Ezeiza.

"I do not belong to any political force: I have my opinions and ideas, like all citizens of the country, but I do not militate or intend to transmit in my ministry anything more than what derives from the Gospel and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church," he insists.

And about his work in the health system, he details: “I regularly visit health centers, neighborhood wards, visiting doctors and nurses, especially the Ezeiza Hospital.

It corresponds to my task to visit the faithful, to comfort the sick and family and above all, to provide the last spiritual aid to people who are in terminal stages.

Especially to the patients of covid in the hospital entering the rooms or places of protection for them, administering the anointing of the sick, generating all this a lot of risk ”.

The publication of the priest of Ezeiza took place just a couple of days after the president of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, Monsignor

Oscar Ojea,

referred to the VIP vaccination and said that “" first those who have the vaccine deserve to receive it (the vaccine) responsibility for essential care, and in that you have to be delicate because it is about life and death ".

Ojea, in that same message, asked the faithful "" not to give in to the temptation of rupture, of division, because this is the spirit of evil that leads us to break our relationship with nature, within ourselves and with brothers and sisters. "


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