The Limited Times

The law that allows the Ministry of Health to transfer information about vaccinators to the final happiness authorities Israel today

2/24/2021, 11:49:58 AM

| In the country The bill was approved in the second and third readings in the Knesset. • The details will be passed on to the authorities subject to a request and presentation of a plan to encourage immunization among the population included in the database. Protest of vaccine opponents in front of the Knesset Photo:  Oren Ben Hakon The Knesset plenum approved in second and third reading the bill to amend th

The bill was approved in the second and third readings in the Knesset. • The details will be passed on to the authorities subject to a request and presentation of a plan to encourage immunization among the population included in the database.

  • Protest of vaccine opponents in front of the Knesset


    Oren Ben Hakon

The Knesset plenum approved in second and third reading the bill to amend the Public Health Ordinance (No. 36) / According to the law, which was approved as a temporary provision for three months or until the end of the declaration of emergency following the corona plague Local, to the Director General of the Ministry of Education and to officials in the Ministry of Welfare who operate treatment institutions, in order to allow these bodies to encourage people to get vaccinated, as part of a personal application to the same person and other actions to be defined by the Director General of the Ministry of Health. 

The information will be passed on to the authorities subject to an active request and the presentation of a plan to encourage immunization among the population included in the database.

The person who receives approval from the Director General of the Ministry of Health will be given the names, ID numbers, addresses and telephone numbers of citizens who are allowed to be vaccinated and have not done so. For those who received only one vaccine and did not arrive on time, 

In order to reduce the invasion of privacy and prevent the misuse of the information, the law stipulates that the information transmitted will only be used to encourage immunization and any other use may be made of it.

It is prohibited to make use of information towards a known person as well as a prohibition to involve encouraging immunization and the provision of services, or to place any conditions subject to a person's immunization.

Access to the information will be restricted to defined function holders and those exposed to it will be required to sign an undertaking to maintain confidentiality.

The information will be deleted at the end of use and no later than 60 days after receipt.

A person who has been approached for the purpose of encouraging immunization will be entitled to demand that his details be deleted and that he not be contacted again in this case.

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